;;; tuareg.el --- Caml mode for (X)Emacs. ;; Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Albert Cohen, all rights reserved. ;; Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jane Street Holding, LLC. ;; Licensed under the GNU General Public License. ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: (eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) (require 'easymenu) (defconst tuareg-mode-version (concat "Tuareg Version 2.0.4 (" (eval-when-compile (let ((file (or (and (boundp 'byte-compile-current-file) byte-compile-current-file) load-file-name))) (when file (setq file (expand-file-name "version" (file-name-directory file)))) (with-temp-buffer (if (and file (file-exists-p file)) (insert-file-contents-literally file) (let ((default-directory (if file (file-name-directory file) default-directory))) (cond ((file-directory-p ".hg") (call-process "hg" nil t nil "id" "-i" "--debug")) ((file-directory-p ".svn") (shell-command "svn info | grep Revision: | sed 's/Revision: //'" t)) ((file-directory-p ".bzr") (shell-command "bzr log -l -1 | grep revno:" t)) (t (insert "unknown\n"))))) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (1- (point-max)))))) ")") " Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Albert Cohen, all rights reserved. Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Jane Street Holding, LLC. Copying is covered by the GNU General Public License. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Emacs versions support (defconst tuareg-with-xemacs (featurep 'xemacs)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Compatibility functions (defun tuareg-editing-ls3 () "Tells whether we are editing Lucid Synchrone syntax." (string-match "\\.ls" (buffer-name))) (defun tuareg-editing-camllex () "Tells whether we are editing CamlLex syntax." (string-match "\\.mll" (buffer-name))) (defalias 'tuareg-match-string (if (fboundp 'match-string-no-properties) 'match-string-no-properties 'match-string)) (or (fboundp 'read-shell-command) (defun read-shell-command (prompt &optional initial-input history) "Read a string from the minibuffer, using `shell-command-history'." (read-from-minibuffer prompt initial-input nil nil (or history 'shell-command-history)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Import types and help features (defvar tuareg-with-caml-mode-p (and (require 'caml-types nil t) (require 'caml-help nil t))) (eval-when-compile (autoload 'caml-complete "caml-help")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; User customizable variables ;; Use the standard `customize' interface or `tuareg-mode-hook' to ;; Configure these variables (require 'custom) (defgroup tuareg nil "Support for the Objective Caml language." :group 'languages) ;; Comments (defcustom tuareg-indent-leading-comments t "*If true, indent leading comment lines (starting with `(*') like others." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-indent-comments t "*If true, automatically align multi-line comments." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-comment-end-extra-indent 0 "*How many spaces to indent a leading comment end `*)'. If you expect comments to be indented like (* ... *) even without leading `*', use `tuareg-comment-end-extra-indent' = 1." :group 'tuareg :type '(radio :extra-offset 8 :format "%{Comment End Extra Indent%}: Comment alignment:\n%v" (const :tag "align with `(' in comment opening" 0) (const :tag "align with `*' in comment opening" 1) (integer :tag "custom alignment" 0))) (defcustom tuareg-support-leading-star-comments t "*Enable automatic intentation of comments of the form (* * ... *) Documentation comments (** *) are not concerned by this variable unless `tuareg-leading-star-in-doc' is also set. If you do not set this variable and still expect comments to be indented like (* ... *) \(without leading `*'), set `tuareg-comment-end-extra-indent' to 1." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-leading-star-in-doc nil "*Enable automatic intentation of documentation comments of the form (** * ... *)" :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) ;; Indentation defaults (defcustom tuareg-default-indent 2 "*Default indentation. Global indentation variable (large values may lead to indentation overflows). When no governing keyword is found, this value is used to indent the line if it has to." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-support-camllight nil "*If true, handle Caml Light character syntax (incompatible with labels)." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean :set '(lambda (var val) (setq tuareg-support-camllight val) (when (boundp 'tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry ?` (if val "\"" ".") tuareg-mode-syntax-table)))) (defcustom tuareg-support-metaocaml nil "*If true, handle MetaOCaml syntax." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean :set '(lambda (var val) (setq tuareg-support-metaocaml val) (when (boundp 'tuareg-font-lock-keywords) (tuareg-make-indentation-regexps) (tuareg-install-font-lock)))) (defcustom tuareg-let-always-indent t "*If true, enforce indentation is at least `tuareg-let-indent' after a `let'. As an example, set it to false when you have `tuareg-with-indent' set to 0, and you want `let x = match ... with' and `match ... with' indent the same way." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-pipe-extra-unindent tuareg-default-indent "*Extra backward indent for Caml lines starting with the `|' operator. It is NOT the variable controlling the indentation of the `|' itself: this value is automatically added to `function', `with', `parse' and some cases of `type' keywords to leave enough space for `|' backward indentation. For example, setting this variable to 0 leads to the following indentation: match ... with X -> ... | Y -> ... | Z -> ... To modify the indentation of lines lead by `|' you need to modify the indentation variables for `with', `function' and `parse', and possibly for `type' as well. For example, setting them to 0 (and leaving `tuareg-pipe-extra-unindent' to its default value) yields: match ... with X -> ... | Y -> ... | Z -> ..." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-class-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `class' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-sig-struct-align t "*Align `sig' and `struct' keywords with `module'." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-sig-struct-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `sig' or `struct' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-method-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `method' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-begin-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `begin' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-for-while-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `for' or `while' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-do-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `do' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-fun-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `fun' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-function-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `function' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-if-then-else-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from an `if', `then' or `else' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-let-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `let' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-in-indent 0 ; tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `in' keyword. Upstream recommends 0, and this is what we default to since 2.0.1 instead of the historical `tuareg-default-indent'." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-match-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `match' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-try-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `try' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-with-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `with' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-rule-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `rule' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-type-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `type' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defcustom tuareg-val-indent tuareg-default-indent "*How many spaces to indent from a `val' keyword." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) ;; Automatic indentation ;; Using abbrev-mode and electric keys (defcustom tuareg-use-abbrev-mode t "*Non-nil means electrically indent lines starting with leading keywords. Leading keywords are such as `end', `done', `else' etc. It makes use of `abbrev-mode'. Many people find eletric keywords irritating, so you can disable them by setting this variable to nil." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean :set '(lambda (var val) (setq tuareg-use-abbrev-mode val) (abbrev-mode val))) (defcustom tuareg-electric-indent t "*Non-nil means electrically indent lines starting with `|', `)', `]' or `}'. Many people find eletric keys irritating, so you can disable them in setting this variable to nil." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-electric-close-vector t "*Non-nil means electrically insert `|' before a vector-closing `]' or `>' before an object-closing `}'. Many people find eletric keys irritating, so you can disable them in setting this variable to nil. You should probably have this on, though, if you also have `tuareg-electric-indent' on." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) ;; Tuareg-Interactive ;; Configure via `tuareg-mode-hook' (defcustom tuareg-interactive-scroll-to-bottom-on-output nil "*Controls when to scroll to the bottom of the interactive buffer upon evaluating an expression. See `comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output' for details." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean :set '(lambda (var val) (setq tuareg-interactive-scroll-to-bottom-on-output val) (when (boundp 'comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output) (setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output val)))) (defcustom tuareg-skip-after-eval-phrase t "*Non-nil means skip to the end of the phrase after evaluation in the Caml toplevel." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-interactive-read-only-input nil "*Non-nil means input sent to the Caml toplevel is read-only." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-interactive-echo-phrase t "*Non-nil means echo phrases in the toplevel buffer when sending them to the Caml toplevel." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-interactive-input-font-lock t "*Non nil means Font-Lock for toplevel input phrases." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-interactive-output-font-lock t "*Non nil means Font-Lock for toplevel output messages." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-interactive-error-font-lock t "*Non nil means Font-Lock for toplevel error messages." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-display-buffer-on-eval t "*Non nil means pop up the Caml toplevel when evaluating code." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defcustom tuareg-manual-url "http://pauillac.inria.fr/ocaml/htmlman/index.html" "*URL to the Caml reference manual." :group 'tuareg :type 'string) (defcustom tuareg-browser 'browse-url "*Name of function that displays the Caml reference manual. Valid names are `browse-url', `browse-url-firefox', etc." :group 'tuareg) (defcustom tuareg-library-path "/usr/local/lib/ocaml/" "*Path to the Caml library." :group 'tuareg :type 'string) (defcustom tuareg-definitions-max-items 30 "*Maximum number of items a definitions menu can contain." :group 'tuareg :type 'integer) (defvar tuareg-options-list '(("Automatic indentation of leading keywords" . 'tuareg-use-abbrev-mode) ("Automatic indentation of ), ] and }" . 'tuareg-electric-indent) ("Automatic matching of [| and {<" . 'tuareg-electric-close-vector) "---" ("Indent body of comments" . 'tuareg-indent-comments) ("Indent first line of comments" . 'tuareg-indent-leading-comments) ("Leading-`*' comment style" . 'tuareg-support-leading-star-comments)) "*List of menu-configurable Tuareg options.") (defvar tuareg-interactive-options-list '(("Skip phrase after evaluation" . 'tuareg-skip-after-eval-phrase) ("Echo phrase in interactive buffer" . 'tuareg-interactive-echo-phrase) "---" ("Font-lock interactive input" . 'tuareg-interactive-input-font-lock) ("Font-lock interactive output" . 'tuareg-interactive-output-font-lock) ("Font-lock interactive error" . 'tuareg-interactive-error-font-lock) "---" ("Read only input" . 'tuareg-interactive-read-only-input)) "*List of menu-configurable Tuareg options.") (defvar tuareg-interactive-program "ocaml" "*Default program name for invoking a Caml toplevel from Emacs.") ;; Could be interesting to have this variable buffer-local ;; (e.g., ocaml vs. metaocaml buffers) ;; (make-variable-buffer-local 'tuareg-interactive-program) (eval-and-compile (defconst tuareg-use-syntax-ppss (fboundp 'syntax-ppss) "*If nil, use our own parsing and caching.")) (defgroup tuareg-faces nil "Special faces for the Tuareg mode." :group 'tuareg) (defconst tuareg-faces-inherit-p (and (boundp 'face-attribute-name-alist) (assq :inherit face-attribute-name-alist))) (defface tuareg-font-lock-governing-face '((((background light)) (:foreground "blue" :bold t)) (t (:foreground "orange" :bold t))) "Face description for governing/leading keywords." :group 'tuareg-faces) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-governing-face 'tuareg-font-lock-governing-face) (defface tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face '((((background light)) (:foreground "darkblue" :background "lightgray" :bold t)) (t (:foreground "steelblue" :background "darkgray" :bold t))) "Face description for MetaOCaml staging operators." :group 'tuareg-faces) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face 'tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face) (defface tuareg-font-lock-operator-face '((((background light)) (:foreground "brown")) (t (:foreground "khaki"))) "Face description for all operators." :group 'tuareg-faces) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-operator-face 'tuareg-font-lock-operator-face) (defface tuareg-font-lock-error-face '((t (:foreground "yellow" :background "red" :bold t))) "Face description for all errors reported to the source." :group 'tuareg-faces) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-error-face 'tuareg-font-lock-error-face) (defface tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face '((((background light)) (:foreground "blue4")) (t (:foreground "cyan"))) "Face description for all toplevel outputs." :group 'tuareg-faces) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face 'tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face) (defface tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face (if tuareg-faces-inherit-p '((t :inherit font-lock-warning-face)) '((((background light)) (:foreground "red3")) (t (:foreground "red2")))) "Face description for all toplevel errors." :group 'tuareg-faces) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face 'tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Support definitions (defun tuareg-leading-star-p () (and tuareg-support-leading-star-comments (save-excursion ; this function does not make sense outside of a comment (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment) (and (or tuareg-leading-star-in-doc (not (looking-at "(\\*[Tt][Ee][Xx]\\|(\\*\\*"))) (progn (forward-line 1) (back-to-indentation) (looking-at "\\*[^)]")))))) (defun tuareg-auto-fill-insert-leading-star (&optional leading-star) (let ((point-leading-comment (looking-at "(\\*")) (return-leading nil)) (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (when tuareg-electric-indent (when (and (tuareg-in-comment-p) (or leading-star (tuareg-leading-star-p))) (unless (looking-at "(?\\*") (insert-before-markers "* ")) (setq return-leading t)) (unless point-leading-comment ;; Use optional argument to break recursion (tuareg-indent-command t)))) return-leading)) (defun tuareg-auto-fill-function () (unless (tuareg-in-literal-p) (let ((leading-star (and (not (char-equal ?\n last-command-event)) (tuareg-auto-fill-insert-leading-star)))) (do-auto-fill) (unless (char-equal ?\n last-command-event) (tuareg-auto-fill-insert-leading-star leading-star))))) ;; these two functions are different from the standard ;; in that they do NOT signal errors beginning-of-buffer and end-of-buffer (defun tuareg-forward-char (&optional step) (if step (goto-char (+ (point) step)) (goto-char (1+ (point))))) (defun tuareg-backward-char (&optional step) (if step (goto-char (- (point) step)) (goto-char (1- (point))))) (defun tuareg-in-indentation-p () "Return non-nil if all chars between beginning of line and point are blanks." (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (bolp))) (defvar tuareg-cache-stop (point-min)) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tuareg-cache-stop) (defvar tuareg-cache nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tuareg-cache) (defvar tuareg-cache-local nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tuareg-cache-local) (defvar tuareg-cache-last-local nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'tuareg-cache-last-local) (defvar tuareg-last-loc (cons nil nil)) ;; PPSS definitions (defun tuareg-ppss-in-literal-or-comment () (error "tuareg uses PPSS")) (defun tuareg-ppss-fontify (beg end) (error "tuareg uses PPSS")) (defun tuareg-ppss-in-literal-p () "Returns non-nil if point is inside a Caml literal." (nth 3 (syntax-ppss))) (defun tuareg-ppss-in-comment-p () "Returns non-nil if point is inside or right before a Caml comment." (or (nth 4 (syntax-ppss)) (looking-at "[ \t]*(\\*"))) (defun tuareg-ppss-in-literal-or-comment-p () "Returns non-nil if point is inside a Caml literal or comment." (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))) (defun tuareg-ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment () "Skips to the beginning of the current literal or comment (or buffer)." (interactive) (goto-char (or (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) (point)))) (defun tuareg-ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast () (goto-char (or (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) (point-min)))) ;; FIXME: not clear if moving out of a string/comment counts as 1 or no. (defalias 'tuareg-backward-up-list 'backward-up-list) ;; non-PPSS definitions (defun tuareg-!ppss-in-literal-p () "Return non-nil if point is inside a Caml literal." (car (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment))) (defun tuareg-!ppss-in-comment-p () "Return non-nil if point is inside a Caml comment." (cdr (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment))) (defun tuareg-!ppss-in-literal-or-comment-p () "Return non-nil if point is inside a Caml literal or comment." (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment) (or (car tuareg-last-loc) (cdr tuareg-last-loc))) (defun tuareg-!ppss-in-literal-or-comment () "Return the pair `((tuareg-in-literal-p) . (tuareg-in-comment-p))'." (if (and (<= (point) tuareg-cache-stop) tuareg-cache) (progn (if (or (not tuareg-cache-local) (not tuareg-cache-last-local) (and (>= (point) (caar tuareg-cache-last-local)))) (setq tuareg-cache-local tuareg-cache)) (while (and tuareg-cache-local (< (point) (caar tuareg-cache-local))) (setq tuareg-cache-last-local tuareg-cache-local tuareg-cache-local (cdr tuareg-cache-local))) (setq tuareg-last-loc (if tuareg-cache-local (cons (eq (cadar tuareg-cache-local) 'b) (> (cddar tuareg-cache-local) 0)) (cons nil nil)))) (let ((flag t) (op (point)) (mp (min (point) (1- (point-max)))) (balance 0) (end-of-comment nil)) (while (and tuareg-cache (<= tuareg-cache-stop (caar tuareg-cache))) (setq tuareg-cache (cdr tuareg-cache))) (if tuareg-cache (if (eq (cadar tuareg-cache) 'b) (progn (setq tuareg-cache-stop (1- (caar tuareg-cache))) (goto-char tuareg-cache-stop) (setq balance (cddar tuareg-cache)) (setq tuareg-cache (cdr tuareg-cache))) (setq balance (cddar tuareg-cache)) (setq tuareg-cache-stop (caar tuareg-cache)) (goto-char tuareg-cache-stop) (skip-chars-forward "(")) (goto-char (point-min))) (skip-chars-backward "\\\\*") (while flag (if end-of-comment (setq balance 0 end-of-comment nil)) (skip-chars-forward "^\\\\'`\"(\\*") (cond ((looking-at "\\\\") (tuareg-forward-char 2)) ((looking-at "'\\([^\n\\']\\|\\\\[^ \t\n][^ \t\n]?[^ \t\n]?\\)'") (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (1+ (point)) (cons 'b balance)) tuareg-cache)) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons 'e balance)) tuareg-cache))) ((and tuareg-support-camllight (looking-at "`\\([^\n\\']\\|\\\\[^ \t\n][^ \t\n]?[^ \t\n]?\\)`")) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (1+ (point)) (cons 'b balance)) tuareg-cache)) (goto-char (match-end 0)) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons 'e balance)) tuareg-cache))) ((looking-at "\"") (tuareg-forward-char) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons 'b balance)) tuareg-cache)) (skip-chars-forward "^\\\\\"") (while (looking-at "\\\\") (tuareg-forward-char 2) (skip-chars-forward "^\\\\\"")) (tuareg-forward-char) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons 'e balance)) tuareg-cache))) ((looking-at "(\\*") (setq balance (1+ balance)) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons nil balance)) tuareg-cache)) (tuareg-forward-char 2)) ((looking-at "\\*)") (tuareg-forward-char 2) (if (> balance 1) (progn (setq balance (1- balance)) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons nil balance)) tuareg-cache))) (setq end-of-comment t) (setq tuareg-cache (cons (cons (point) (cons nil 0)) tuareg-cache)))) (t (tuareg-forward-char))) (setq flag (<= (point) mp))) (setq tuareg-cache-local tuareg-cache tuareg-cache-stop (point)) (goto-char op) (if tuareg-cache (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment) (setq tuareg-last-loc (cons nil nil)) tuareg-last-loc)))) (defun tuareg-!ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment () "Skips to the beginning of the current literal or comment (or buffer)." (interactive) (when (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast))) (defun tuareg-!ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast () (while (and tuareg-cache-local (or (eq 'b (cadar tuareg-cache-local)) (> (cddar tuareg-cache-local) 0))) (setq tuareg-cache-last-local tuareg-cache-local tuareg-cache-local (cdr tuareg-cache-local))) (if tuareg-cache-last-local (goto-char (caar tuareg-cache-last-local)) (goto-char (point-min))) (when (eq 'b (cadar tuareg-cache-last-local)) (tuareg-backward-char))) (defun tuareg-!ppss-backward-up-list () "Safe up-list regarding comments, literals and errors." (let ((balance 1) (op (point)) (oc nil)) (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment) (while (and (> (point) (point-min)) (> balance 0)) (setq oc (if tuareg-cache-local (caar tuareg-cache-local) (point-min))) (condition-case nil (up-list -1) (error (goto-char (point-min)))) (if (>= (point) oc) (setq balance (1- balance)) (goto-char op) (skip-chars-backward "^[]{}()") (tuareg-backward-char) (cond ((tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast)) ((looking-at "[[{(]") (setq balance (1- balance))) ((looking-at "[]})]") (setq balance (1+ balance))))) (setq op (point))))) (defalias 'tuareg-in-literal-or-comment (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-in-literal-or-comment 'tuareg-!ppss-in-literal-or-comment))) (defalias 'tuareg-fontify (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-fontify 'tuareg-!ppss-fontify))) (defalias 'tuareg-in-literal-p (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-in-literal-p 'tuareg-!ppss-in-literal-p))) (defalias 'tuareg-in-comment-p (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-in-comment-p 'tuareg-!ppss-in-comment-p))) (defalias 'tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-in-literal-or-comment-p 'tuareg-!ppss-in-literal-or-comment-p))) (defalias 'tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment 'tuareg-!ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment))) (defalias 'tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'tuareg-ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast 'tuareg-!ppss-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast))) (defalias 'tuareg-backward-up-list ;; FIXME: not clear if moving out of a string/comment counts as 1 or no. (eval-and-compile (if tuareg-use-syntax-ppss 'backward-up-list 'tuareg-!ppss-backward-up-list))) (defun tuareg-false-=-p () "Is the underlying `=' the first/second letter of an operator?" (or (memq (preceding-char) '(?: ?> ?< ?=)) (char-equal ?= (char-after (1+ (point)))))) (defun tuareg-at-phrase-break-p () "Is the underlying `;' a phrase break?" (and (char-equal ?\; (following-char)) (or (and (not (eobp)) (char-equal ?\; (char-after (1+ (point))))) (char-equal ?\; (preceding-char))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Font-lock in Emacs ;; Originally by Stefan Monnier (defcustom tuareg-font-lock-symbols nil "*Display fun and -> and such using symbols in fonts. This may sound like a neat trick, but note that it can change the alignment and can thus lead to surprises." :group 'tuareg :type 'boolean) (defvar tuareg-font-lock-symbols-alist (cond ((and (fboundp 'make-char) (fboundp 'charsetp) (charsetp 'symbol)) `(("fun" . ,(make-char 'symbol 108)) ("sqrt" . ,(make-char 'symbol 214)) ("not" . ,(make-char 'symbol 216)) ("&&" . ,(make-char 'symbol 217)) ("or" . ,(make-char 'symbol 218)) ("||" . ,(make-char 'symbol 218)) ("*." . ,(make-char 'symbol 183)) ("/." . ,(make-char 'symbol 184)) ("<=" . ,(make-char 'symbol 163)) ("<-" . ,(make-char 'symbol 172)) ("->" . ,(make-char 'symbol 174)) (">=" . ,(make-char 'symbol 179)) ("<>" . ,(make-char 'symbol 185)) ("==" . ,(make-char 'symbol 186)) ("<=>" . ,(make-char 'symbol 219)) (":=" . ,(make-char 'symbol 220)) ("=>" . ,(make-char 'symbol 222)) ("infinity" . ,(make-char 'symbol 165)) ;; Some greek letters for type parameters. ("'a" . ,(make-char 'symbol 97)) ("'b" . ,(make-char 'symbol 98)) ("'c" . ,(make-char 'symbol 103)) ; sic! 99 is chi, 103 is gamma ("'d" . ,(make-char 'symbol 100)) ("'e" . ,(make-char 'symbol 101)) ("'f" . ,(make-char 'symbol 102)) ("'i" . ,(make-char 'symbol 105)) ("'k" . ,(make-char 'symbol 107)) ("'m" . ,(make-char 'symbol 109)) ("'n" . ,(make-char 'symbol 110)) ("'o" . ,(make-char 'symbol 111)) ("'p" . ,(make-char 'symbol 112)) ("'r" . ,(make-char 'symbol 114)) ("'s" . ,(make-char 'symbol 115)) ("'t" . ,(make-char 'symbol 116)) ("'x" . ,(make-char 'symbol 120)))) ((fboundp 'decode-char) ;; or a unicode font. `(("fun" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 955)) ("sqrt" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8730)) ("not" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 172)) ("&&" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8896)) ("or" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8897)) ("||" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8897)) ("*." . ,(decode-char 'ucs 215)) ("/." . ,(decode-char 'ucs 247)) ("->" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8594)) ("<-" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8592)) ("<=" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8804)) (">=" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8805)) ("<>" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8800)) ("==" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8801)) ("<=>" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8660)) (":=" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8656)) ("infinity" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 8734)) ;; Some greek letters for type parameters. ("'a" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 945)) ("'b" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 946)) ("'c" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 947)) ("'d" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 948)) ("'e" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 949)) ("'f" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 966)) ("'i" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 953)) ("'k" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 954)) ("'m" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 956)) ("'n" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 957)) ("'o" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 969)) ("'p" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 960)) ("'r" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 961)) ("'s" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 963)) ("'t" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 964)) ("'x" . ,(decode-char 'ucs 958)))))) (defun tuareg-font-lock-compose-symbol (alist) "Compose a sequence of ascii chars into a symbol. Regexp match data 0 points to the chars." ;; Check that the chars should really be composed into a symbol. (let* ((mbegin (match-beginning 0)) (mend (match-end 0)) (syntax (char-syntax (char-after mbegin)))) (if (or (eq (char-syntax (or (char-before mbegin) ?\ )) syntax) (eq (char-syntax (or (char-after mend) ?\ )) syntax) (memq (get-text-property mbegin 'face) '(tuareg-doc-face font-lock-string-face font-lock-comment-face))) ;; No composition for you. Let's actually remove any composition ;; we may have added earlier and which is now incorrect. (remove-text-properties mbegin mend '(composition)) ;; That's a symbol alright, so add the composition. (compose-region mbegin mend (cdr (assoc (match-string 0) alist))))) ;; Return nil because we're not adding any face property. nil) (defun tuareg-font-lock-symbols-keywords () (when (fboundp 'compose-region) (let ((alist nil)) (dolist (x tuareg-font-lock-symbols-alist) (when (and (if (fboundp 'char-displayable-p) (char-displayable-p (cdr x)) t) (not (assoc (car x) alist))) ; not yet in alist. (push x alist))) (when alist `((,(regexp-opt (mapcar 'car alist) t) (0 (tuareg-font-lock-compose-symbol ',alist)))))))) (defvar tuareg-mode-syntax-table (let ((st (make-syntax-table))) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?? ". p" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?~ ". p" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?: "." st) (modify-syntax-entry ?' "w" st) ; ' is part of words (for primes). (modify-syntax-entry ;; ` is punctuation or character delimiter (Caml Light compatibility). ?` (if tuareg-support-camllight "\"" ".") st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st) ; " is a string delimiter (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?* ". 23" st) (condition-case nil (progn (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()1n" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(4n" st)) (error ;XEmacs signals an error instead of ignoring `n'. (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()1" st) (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(4" st))) st) "Syntax table in use in Tuareg mode buffers.") (defmacro tuareg-with-internal-syntax (&rest body) `(progn ;; Switch to a modified internal syntax. (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w" tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (unwind-protect (progn ,@body) ;; Switch back to the interactive syntax. (modify-syntax-entry ?. "." tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" tuareg-mode-syntax-table)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Font-Lock ;; XEmacs and Emacs have different documentation faces... (defvar tuareg-doc-face (if (facep 'font-lock-doc-face) 'font-lock-doc-face 'font-lock-doc-string-face)) (unless tuareg-use-syntax-ppss (defun tuareg-fontify-buffer () (font-lock-default-fontify-buffer) (tuareg-fontify (point-min) (point-max))) (defun tuareg-fontify-region (begin end &optional verbose) (font-lock-default-fontify-region begin end verbose) (tuareg-fontify begin end)) (defun tuareg-fontify (begin end) (when (eq major-mode 'tuareg-mode) (save-excursion (tuareg-with-internal-syntax (let ((case-fold-search nil) (modified (buffer-modified-p))) ; Emacs hack (see below) (goto-char begin) (setq begin (line-beginning-position)) (goto-char (1- end)) (end-of-line) ;; Dirty hack to trick `font-lock-default-unfontify-region' (unless tuareg-with-xemacs (forward-line 2)) (setq end (point)) (while (> end begin) (goto-char (1- end)) (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment) (cond ((cdr tuareg-last-loc) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment) (put-text-property (max begin (point)) end 'face (if (looking-at "(\\*[Tt][Ee][Xx]\\|(\\*\\*[^*]") tuareg-doc-face 'font-lock-comment-face)) (setq end (1- (point)))) ((car tuareg-last-loc) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment) (put-text-property (max begin (point)) end 'face 'font-lock-string-face) (setq end (point))) (t (while (and tuareg-cache-local (or (> (caar tuareg-cache-local) end) (eq 'b (cadar tuareg-cache-local)))) (setq tuareg-cache-local (cdr tuareg-cache-local))) (setq end (if tuareg-cache-local (caar tuareg-cache-local) begin))))) (unless (or tuareg-with-xemacs modified) ; properties taken (set-buffer-modified-p nil))) ; too seriously... )))) ) ;; End of (unless tuareg-use-syntax-ppss (defconst tuareg-font-lock-syntactic-keywords ;; Char constants start with ' but ' can also appear in identifiers. ;; Beware not to match things like '*)hel' or '"hel' since the first ' ;; might be inside a string or comment. '(("\\<\\('\\)\\([^'\\\n]\\|\\\\.[^\\'\n \")]*\\)\\('\\)" (1 '(7)) (3 '(7))))) (defun tuareg-font-lock-syntactic-face-function (state) (if (nth 3 state) font-lock-string-face (let ((start (nth 8 state))) (if (and (> (point-max) (+ start 2)) (eq (char-after (+ start 2)) ?*) (not (eq (char-after (+ start 3)) ?*))) ;; This is a documentation comment tuareg-doc-face font-lock-comment-face)))) ;; Initially empty, set in `tuareg-install-font-lock' (defvar tuareg-font-lock-keywords () "Font-Lock patterns for Tuareg mode.") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Keymap (defvar tuareg-mode-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap))) (define-key map "|" 'tuareg-electric-pipe) (define-key map ")" 'tuareg-electric-rp) (define-key map "}" 'tuareg-electric-rc) (define-key map "]" 'tuareg-electric-rb) (define-key map "\M-q" 'tuareg-indent-phrase) (define-key map "\C-c\C-q" 'tuareg-indent-phrase) (define-key map "\M-\C-\\" 'indent-region) (define-key map "\C-c\C-a" 'tuareg-find-alternate-file) (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'compile) (define-key map "\C-xnd" 'tuareg-narrow-to-phrase) (define-key map "\M-\C-x" 'tuareg-eval-phrase) (define-key map "\C-x\C-e" 'tuareg-eval-phrase) (define-key map "\C-c\C-e" 'tuareg-eval-phrase) (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" 'tuareg-eval-region) (define-key map "\C-c\C-b" 'tuareg-eval-buffer) (define-key map "\C-c\C-s" 'tuareg-run-caml) (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 'tuareg-interrupt-caml) (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'tuareg-kill-caml) (define-key map "\C-c\C-n" 'tuareg-next-phrase) (define-key map "\C-c\C-p" 'tuareg-previous-phrase) (define-key map [(backspace)] 'backward-delete-char-untabify) (define-key map [(control c) (home)] 'tuareg-move-inside-module-or-class-opening) (define-key map [(control c) (control down)] 'tuareg-next-phrase) (define-key map [(control c) (control up)] 'tuareg-previous-phrase) (define-key map [(meta control down)] 'tuareg-next-phrase) (define-key map [(meta control up)] 'tuareg-previous-phrase) (define-key map [(meta control n)] 'tuareg-next-phrase) (define-key map [(meta control p)] 'tuareg-previous-phrase) (define-key map [(meta control h)] 'tuareg-mark-phrase) (define-key map "\C-c`" 'tuareg-interactive-next-error-source) (define-key map "\C-c?" 'tuareg-interactive-next-error-source) (define-key map "\C-c.c" 'tuareg-insert-class-form) (define-key map "\C-c.b" 'tuareg-insert-begin-form) (define-key map "\C-c.f" 'tuareg-insert-for-form) (define-key map "\C-c.w" 'tuareg-insert-while-form) (define-key map "\C-c.i" 'tuareg-insert-if-form) (define-key map "\C-c.l" 'tuareg-insert-let-form) (define-key map "\C-c.m" 'tuareg-insert-match-form) (define-key map "\C-c.t" 'tuareg-insert-try-form) (when tuareg-with-caml-mode-p ;; Trigger caml-types (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-t] 'caml-types-show-type) ; "type" (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-f] 'caml-types-show-call) ; "function" (define-key map [?\C-c ?\C-l] 'caml-types-show-ident) ; "let" ;; To prevent misbehavior in case of error during exploration. (define-key map [?\C-c mouse-1] 'caml-types-mouse-ignore) (define-key map [?\C-c down-mouse-1] 'caml-types-explore) ;; Trigger caml-help (define-key map [?\C-c ?i] 'ocaml-add-path) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\[] 'ocaml-open-module) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\]] 'ocaml-close-module) (define-key map [?\C-c ?h] 'caml-help) (define-key map [?\C-c ?\t] 'tuareg-complete)) map) "Keymap used in Tuareg mode.") (defconst tuareg-font-lock-syntax `((?_ . "w") (?` . ".") ,@(unless tuareg-use-syntax-ppss '((?\" . ".") (?\( . ".") (?\) . ".") (?* . ".")))) "Syntax changes for Font-Lock.") (defvar tuareg-mode-abbrev-table () "Abbrev table used for Tuareg mode buffers.") (defun tuareg-define-abbrev (keyword) (define-abbrev tuareg-mode-abbrev-table keyword keyword 'tuareg-abbrev-hook)) (if tuareg-mode-abbrev-table () (setq tuareg-mode-abbrev-table (make-abbrev-table)) (mapc 'tuareg-define-abbrev '("module" "class" "functor" "object" "type" "val" "inherit" "include" "virtual" "constraint" "exception" "external" "open" "method" "and" "initializer" "to" "downto" "do" "done" "else" "begin" "end" "let" "in" "then" "with")) (setq abbrevs-changed nil)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; The major mode ;;;###autoload (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ml\\w?\\'" . tuareg-mode)) ;;;###autoload (defun tuareg-mode () "Major mode for editing Caml code. Dedicated to Emacs and XEmacs, version 21 and higher. Provides automatic indentation and compilation interface. Performs font/color highlighting using Font-Lock. It is designed for Objective Caml but handles Objective Labl and Caml Light as well. Report bugs, remarks and questions to Albert.Cohen@prism.uvsq.fr. The Font-Lock minor-mode is used according to your customization options. You have better byte-compile tuareg.el. For customization purposes, you should use `tuareg-mode-hook' \(run for every file) or `tuareg-load-hook' (run once) and not patch the mode itself. You should add to your configuration file something like: (add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook (lambda () ... ; your customization code )) For example you can change the indentation of some keywords, the `electric' flags, Font-Lock colors... Every customizable variable is documented, use `C-h-v' or look at the mode's source code. `custom-tuareg.el' is a sample customization file for standard changes. You can append it to your `.emacs' or use it as a tutorial. `M-x camldebug' FILE starts the Caml debugger camldebug on the executable FILE, with input and output in an Emacs buffer named *camldebug-FILE*. A Tuareg Interactive Mode to evaluate expressions in a toplevel is included. Type `M-x tuareg-run-caml' or see special-keys below. For the best indentation experience, some elementary rules must be followed. - Because the `function' keyword has a special indentation (to handle case matches) use the `fun' keyword when no case match is performed. - In OCaml, `;;' is no longer necessary for correct indentation, except before top level phrases not introduced by `type', `val', `let' etc. (i.e., phrases used for their side-effects or to be executed in a top level.) - Long sequences of `and's may slow down indentation slightly, since some computations (few) require to go back to the beginning of the sequence. Some very long nested blocks may also lead to slow processing of `end's, `else's, `done's... - Multiline strings are handled properly, but you may prefer string concatenation `^' to break long strings (the C-j keystroke can help). - Comment indentation is often a matter of taste and context, yet sophisticated heuristics provide reasonable indentation in most cases. When inserting a comment right before the code it refers to, it is generally expected that this comment will be aligned with the folowing code; to enforce this, leave a blank line before the comment. Known bugs: - When writting a line with mixed code and comments, avoid putting comments at the beginning or middle of the text. More precisely, writing comments immediately after `=' or parentheses then writing some more code on the line leads to indentation errors. You may write `let x (* blah *) = blah' but should avoid `let x = (* blah *) blah'. Short cuts for the Tuareg mode: \\{tuareg-mode-map} Short cuts for interactions with the toplevel: \\{tuareg-interactive-mode-map}" (interactive) (kill-all-local-variables) (setq major-mode 'tuareg-mode) (setq mode-name "Tuareg") (use-local-map tuareg-mode-map) (set-syntax-table tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table tuareg-mode-abbrev-table) ;; Initialize the Tuareg menu (tuareg-build-menu) ;; Initialize indentation regexps (tuareg-make-indentation-regexps) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start) (setq paragraph-start (concat "^[ \t]*$\\|\\*)$\\|" page-delimiter)) (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate) (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start) (make-local-variable 'require-final-newline) (setq require-final-newline t) (make-local-variable 'comment-start) (setq comment-start "(* ") (make-local-variable 'comment-end) (setq comment-end " *)") (make-local-variable 'comment-column) (setq comment-column 40) (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip) (setq comment-start-skip "(\\*+[ \t]*") (make-local-variable 'comment-multi-line) (setq comment-multi-line t) (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments) (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments nil) (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) (setq indent-line-function 'tuareg-indent-command) (unless tuareg-use-syntax-ppss (add-hook 'before-change-functions 'tuareg-before-change-function nil t)) (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function) (setq normal-auto-fill-function 'tuareg-auto-fill-function) (when (featurep 'imenu) (setq imenu-prev-index-position-function 'tuareg-imenu-prev-index-position imenu-extract-index-name-function 'tuareg-imenu-extract-index-name)) ;; Hooks for tuareg-mode, use them for tuareg-mode configuration (tuareg-install-font-lock) (run-hooks 'tuareg-mode-hook) (when tuareg-use-abbrev-mode (abbrev-mode 1)) (message nil)) (defun tuareg-install-font-lock () (setq tuareg-font-lock-keywords `(,@(and (tuareg-editing-ls3) '(("\\<\\(let[ \t\n]+\\(clock\\|node\\|static\\)\\|present\\|automaton\\|where\\|match\\|with\\|do\\|done\\|unless\\|until\\|reset\\|every\\)\\>" 0 tuareg-font-lock-governing-face nil nil))) ("\\<\\(external\\|open\\|include\\|rule\\|s\\(ig\\|truct\\)\\|module\\|functor\\|with[ \t\n]+\\(type\\|module\\)\\|val\\|type\\|method\\|virtual\\|constraint\\|class\\|in\\|inherit\\|initializer\\|let\\|rec\\|object\\|and\\|begin\\|end\\)\\>" 0 tuareg-font-lock-governing-face nil nil) ,@(and tuareg-support-metaocaml '(("\\.<\\|>\\.\\|\\.~\\|\\.!" 0 tuareg-font-lock-multistage-face nil nil))) ("\\<\\(false\\|true\\)\\>" 0 font-lock-constant-face nil nil) ("\\<\\(as\\|do\\(ne\\|wnto\\)?\\|else\\|for\\|if\\|mutable\\|new\\|p\\(arser\\|rivate\\)\\|t\\(hen\\|o\\|ry\\)\\|wh\\(en\\|ile\\)\\|match\\|with\\|lazy\\|exception\\|raise\\|failwith[f]?\\|exit\\|assert\\|fun\\(ction\\)?\\)\\>" 0 font-lock-keyword-face nil nil) ,@(if (tuareg-editing-ls3) '(("\\<\\(merge\\|when\\|emit\\|period\\)\\>" 0 font-lock-keyword-face nil nil) ("[][;,()|{}]\\|[@^!:*=<>&/%+~?#---]\\.?\\|\\.\\.\\.*\\|\\<\\(asr\\|asl\\|lsr\\|lsl\\|l?or\\|l?and\\|lxor\\|l?not\\|mod\\|of\\|ref\\|fby\\|pre\\|last\\|at\\)\\>" 0 tuareg-font-lock-operator-face nil nil) ("\\<\\(\\(method\\([ \t\n]+\\(private\\|virtual\\)\\)?\\)\\([ \t\n]+virtual\\)?\\|val\\([ \t\n]+mutable\\)?\\|external\\|and\\|class\\|let\\([ \t\n]+\\(rec\\|clock\\|node\\|static\\)\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(['_[:lower:]]\\(\\w\\|[._]\\)*\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[()_?~.'*:--->]\\)+\\|=[ \t\n]*fun\\(ction\\)?\\>\\)" 9 font-lock-function-name-face keep nil)) '(("[][;,()|{}]\\|[@^!:*=<>&/%+~?#---]\\.?\\|\\.\\.\\.*\\|\\<\\(asr\\|asl\\|lsr\\|lsl\\|l?or\\|l?and\\|lxor\\|l?not\\|mod\\|of\\|ref\\)\\>" 0 tuareg-font-lock-operator-face nil nil) ("\\<\\(\\(method\\([ \t\n]+\\(private\\|virtual\\)\\)?\\)\\([ \t\n]+virtual\\)?\\|val\\([ \t\n]+mutable\\)?\\|external\\|and\\|class\\|let\\([ \t\n]+rec\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(['_[:lower:]]\\(\\w\\|[._]\\)*\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[()_?~.'*:--->]\\)+\\|=[ \t\n]*fun\\(ction\\)?\\>\\)" 8 font-lock-function-name-face keep nil))) ("\\[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[_,?~.]\\)*\\)" 3 font-lock-function-name-face keep nil) ("\\<\\(fun\\(ction\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[_ \t()*,]\\)+\\)" 3 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil) ,@(if (tuareg-editing-ls3) '(("\\<\\(reset\\|do\\|val\\([ \t\n]+mutable\\)?\\|external\\|and\\|class\\|let\\([ \t\n]+rec\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[_,?~.]\\)*\\)" 4 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil) ("\\<\\(reset\\|do\\|val\\([ \t\n]+mutable\\)?\\|external\\|method\\|and\\|class\\|let\\([ \t\n]+\\(rec\\|clock\\|node\\|static\\)\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[_,?~.]\\)*\\)\\>\\(\\(\\w\\|[->_ \t,?~.]\\|(\\(\\w\\|[--->_ \t,?~.=]\\)*)\\)*\\)" 7 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil)) '(("\\<\\(val\\([ \t\n]+mutable\\)?\\|external\\|and\\|class\\|let\\([ \t\n]+rec\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[_,?~.]\\)*\\)" 4 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil) ("\\<\\(val\\([ \t\n]+mutable\\)?\\|external\\|method\\|and\\|class\\|let\\([ \t\n]+rec\\)?\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(\\(\\w\\|[_,?~.]\\)*\\)\\>\\(\\(\\w\\|[->_ \t,?~.]\\|(\\(\\w\\|[--->_ \t,?~.=]\\)*)\\)*\\)" 6 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil))) ( "\\<\\(open\\|\\(class\\([ \t\n]+type\\)?\\)\\([ \t\n]+virtual\\)?\\|inherit\\|include\\|module\\([ \t\n]+\\(type\\|rec\\)\\)?\\|type\\)\\>[ \t\n]*\\(['~?]*\\([_--->.* \t]\\|\\w\\|(['~?]*\\([_--->.,* \t]\\|\\w\\)*)\\)*\\)" 7 font-lock-type-face keep nil) ,@(and (tuareg-editing-ls3) '(("\\[ \t\n]*\\w*[ \t\n]*::[ \t\n]*\\(['~?]*\\([_--->.* \t]\\|\\w\\|(['~?]*\\([_--->.,* \t]\\|\\w\\)*)\\)*\\)" 1 font-lock-type-face keep nil))) ("[^:>=]:[ \t\n]*\\(['~?]*\\([_--->.* \t]\\|\\w\\|(['~?]*\\([_--->.,* \t]\\|\\w\\)*)\\)*\\)" 1 font-lock-type-face keep nil) ("\\<\\([A-Z]\\w*\\>\\)[ \t]*\\." 1 font-lock-type-face keep nil) ("\\<\\([?~]?[_[:alpha:]]\\w*\\)[ \t\n]*:[^:>=]" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil) ("\\[ \t\n]*\\(\\<[_[:alpha:]]\\w*\\>\\)" 1 font-lock-variable-name-face keep nil) ("^#\\w+\\>" 0 font-lock-preprocessor-face t nil) ,@(and tuareg-font-lock-symbols (tuareg-font-lock-symbols-keywords)))) (setq font-lock-defaults (list* 'tuareg-font-lock-keywords (not tuareg-use-syntax-ppss) nil tuareg-font-lock-syntax nil '(font-lock-syntactic-keywords . tuareg-font-lock-syntactic-keywords) '(parse-sexp-lookup-properties . t) '(font-lock-syntactic-face-function . tuareg-font-lock-syntactic-face-function) (unless tuareg-use-syntax-ppss '((font-lock-fontify-region-function . tuareg-fontify-region))))) (when (and (boundp 'font-lock-fontify-region-function) (not tuareg-use-syntax-ppss)) (make-local-variable 'font-lock-fontify-region-function) (setq font-lock-fontify-region-function 'tuareg-fontify-region))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Error processing (require 'compile) ;; In some versions of Emacs, the regexps in ;; compilation-error-regexp-alist do not match the error messages when ;; the language is not English. Hence we add a regexp. (defconst tuareg-error-regexp "^[^\0-@]+ \"\\([^\"\n]+\\)\", [^\0-@]+ \\([0-9]+\\)[-,:]" "Regular expression matching the error messages produced by (o)camlc.") (when (boundp 'compilation-error-regexp-alist) (or (assoc tuareg-error-regexp compilation-error-regexp-alist) (setq compilation-error-regexp-alist (cons (list tuareg-error-regexp 1 2) compilation-error-regexp-alist)))) ;; A regexp to extract the range info. (defconst tuareg-error-chars-regexp ".*, .*, [^\0-@]+ \\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\):" "Regexp matching the char numbers in an error message produced by (o)camlc.") ;; Wrapper around next-error. ;; itz 04-21-96 instead of defining a new function, use defadvice ;; that way we get our effect even when we do \C-x` in compilation buffer (defadvice next-error (after tuareg-next-error activate) "Read the extra positional information provided by the Caml compiler. Puts the point and the mark exactly around the erroneous program fragment. The erroneous fragment is also temporarily highlighted if possible." (when (eq major-mode 'tuareg-mode) (let ((beg nil) (end nil)) (with-current-buffer compilation-last-buffer (save-excursion (goto-char (window-point (get-buffer-window (current-buffer) t))) (when (looking-at tuareg-error-chars-regexp) (setq beg (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 1)) end (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 2)))))) (beginning-of-line) (when beg (setq beg (+ (point) beg) end (+ (point) end)) (goto-char beg) (push-mark end t t))))) (defvar tuareg-interactive-error-regexp (concat "\\(\\(" "Toplevel input:" "\\|Entr.e interactive:" "\\|Characters [0-9-]*:" "\\|The global value [^ ]* is referenced before being defined." "\\|La valeur globale [^ ]* est utilis.e avant d'.tre d.finie." "\\|Reference to undefined global" "\\|The C primitive \"[^\"]*\" is not available." "\\|La primitive C \"[^\"]*\" est inconnue." "\\|Cannot find \\(the compiled interface \\)?file" "\\|L'interface compil.e [^ ]* est introuvable." "\\|Le fichier [^ ]* est introuvable." "\\|Exception non rattrap.e:" "\\|Uncaught exception:" "\\)[^#]*\\)" ) "Regular expression matching the error messages produced by Caml.") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Indentation stuff (eval-and-compile (defconst tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp "[ \t]*\\((\\*\\|$\\)" "Regexp matching lines which have no more code: blanks + (maybe) comment start.")) (defmacro tuareg-no-code-after (rex) `(eval-when-compile (concat ,rex tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp))) (defconst tuareg-no-code-this-line-regexp (concat "^" tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp)) (defun tuareg-ro (&rest words) (concat "\\<" (regexp-opt words t) "\\>")) (defconst tuareg-extra-unindent-regexp (concat "\\(" (tuareg-ro "with" "fun" "function" "parse" "parser") "\\|\\[" tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp "\\)") "Regexp for keywords needing extra indentation to compensate for case matches.") (defconst tuareg-ls3-extras (concat "\\|" (tuareg-ro "automaton" "present"))) (defconst tuareg-extra-unindent-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-extra-unindent-regexp tuareg-ls3-extras) "Regexp for keywords needing extra indentation to compensate for case matches.") (defun tuareg-give-extra-unindent-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-extra-unindent-regexp-ls3 tuareg-extra-unindent-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-keyword-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "object" "initializer" "and" "constraint" "class" "match" "module" "method" "mutable" "sig" "struct" "begin" "else" "exception" "external" "to" "then" "try" "type" "virtual" "val" "while" "when" "with" "if" "in" "inherit" "for" "fun" "functor" "function" "let" "do" "downto" "parse" "parser" "rule" "of") "\\|->\\|[;,|]") "Regexp for all recognized keywords.") (defconst tuareg-keyword-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-keyword-regexp "\\|" (tuareg-ro "where" "automaton" "present" "fby" "pre" "last" "merge" "when" "reset" "every" "emit" "until" "unless" "period" "at")) "Regexp for all recognized keywords. For synchronous programming.") (defun tuareg-give-keyword-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-keyword-regexp-ls3 tuareg-keyword-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-match-pipe-kwop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "and" "function" "type" "with" "parse" "parser") "\\|[[({=]\\||[^!]") "Regexp for keywords supporting case match.") (defconst tuareg-match-pipe-kwop-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-match-pipe-kwop-regexp tuareg-ls3-extras) "Regexp for keywords supporting case match. For synchronous programming.") (defun tuareg-give-match-pipe-kwop-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-match-pipe-kwop-regexp-ls3 tuareg-match-pipe-kwop-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-operator-regexp "[---+*/=<>@^&|]\\|:>\\|::\\|\\<\\(or\\|l\\(and\\|x?or\\|s[lr]\\)\\|as[lr]\\|mod\\)\\>" "Regexp for all operators.") (defconst tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp (tuareg-ro "and" "do" "done" "then" "else" "end" "in" "down" "downto") "Regexp matching Caml keywords which act as end block delimiters.") (defconst tuareg-extra-ls3-keyword-regexp (tuareg-ro "where" "unless" "until" "every") "Additional Lucid Synchrone keywords.") (defconst tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp "\\|" tuareg-extra-ls3-keyword-regexp) "Regexp matching Caml keywords which act as end block delimiters For synchronous programming.") (defun tuareg-give-matching-keyword-regexp () (let ((rxp (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp-ls3 tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp))) (if tuareg-support-metaocaml (concat rxp "\\|>\\.") rxp))) (defconst tuareg-matching-kwop-regexp (concat tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp "\\|\\\\|[|>]?\\]\\|>?}\\|[|)]\\|;;") "Regexp matching Caml keywords or operators which act as end block delimiters.") (defconst tuareg-matching-kwop-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-matching-kwop-regexp "\\|" tuareg-extra-ls3-keyword-regexp) "Regexp matching Caml keywords or operators which act as end block delimiters. For synchronous programming.") (defun tuareg-give-matching-kwop-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-matching-kwop-regexp-ls3 tuareg-matching-kwop-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-block-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "for" "while" "do" "if" "begin" "sig" "struct" "object") "\\|[][(){}]\\|\\*)")) (defconst tuareg-find-kwop-regexp (concat tuareg-matching-keyword-regexp "\\|" tuareg-block-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-find-kwop-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-find-kwop-regexp "\\|" (tuareg-ro "where" "automaton" "present" "match"))) (defun tuareg-give-find-kwop-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-find-kwop-regexp-ls3 tuareg-find-kwop-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-governing-phrase-regexp (tuareg-ro "val" "type" "method" "module" "constraint" "class" "inherit" "initializer" "external" "exception" "open" "let" "object" "include") "Regexp matching tuareg phrase delimitors.") (defconst tuareg-keyword-alist '(("module" . tuareg-default-indent) ("class" . tuareg-class-indent) ("sig" . tuareg-sig-struct-indent) ("struct" . tuareg-sig-struct-indent) ("method" . tuareg-method-indent) ("object" . tuareg-begin-indent) ("begin" . tuareg-begin-indent) (".<" . tuareg-begin-indent) ("for" . tuareg-for-while-indent) ("while" . tuareg-for-while-indent) ("do" . tuareg-do-indent) ("val" . tuareg-val-indent) ("fun" . tuareg-fun-indent) ("if" . tuareg-if-then-else-indent) ("then" . tuareg-if-then-else-indent) ("else" . tuareg-if-then-else-indent) ("let" . tuareg-let-indent) ("match" . tuareg-match-indent) ("try" . tuareg-try-indent) ("rule" . tuareg-rule-indent) ;; Case match keywords ("function" . tuareg-function-indent) ("with" . tuareg-with-indent) ("parse" . tuareg-with-indent) ("parser" . tuareg-with-indent) ("automaton" . tuareg-with-indent) ("present" . tuareg-with-indent) ("type" . tuareg-type-indent) ; sometimes, `type' acts like a case match ;; Assume default indentation for other keywords and operators ) "Association list of indentation values based on governing keywords.") (defconst tuareg-leading-kwop-alist '(("|" . tuareg-find-pipe-match) ("}" . tuareg-find-match) (">}" . tuareg-find-match) (">." . tuareg-find-match) (")" . tuareg-find-match) ("]" . tuareg-find-match) ("|]" . tuareg-find-match) (">]" . tuareg-find-match) ("end" . tuareg-find-match) ("done" . tuareg-find-done-match) ("unless" . tuareg-find-done-match) ("until" . tuareg-find-done-match) ("every" . tuareg-find-done-match) ("in" . tuareg-find-in-match) ("where" . tuareg-find-in-match) ("with" . tuareg-find-with-match) ("else" . tuareg-find-else-match) ("then" . tuareg-find-then-match) ("do" . tuareg-find-do-match) ("to" . tuareg-find-match) ("downto" . tuareg-find-match) ("and" . tuareg-find-and-match)) "Association list used in Tuareg mode for skipping back over nested blocks.") (defun tuareg-find-leading-kwop-match (kwop) (funcall (cdr (assoc kwop tuareg-leading-kwop-alist)))) (defconst tuareg-binding-regexp "\\(\\\\|(*\\\\)") (defun tuareg-assoc-indent (kwop &optional look-for-let-or-and) "Return relative indentation of the keyword given in argument." (let ((ind (or (symbol-value (cdr (assoc kwop tuareg-keyword-alist))) tuareg-default-indent)) (looking-let-or-and (and look-for-let-or-and (looking-at tuareg-binding-regexp)))) (if (string-match (tuareg-give-extra-unindent-regexp) kwop) (- (if (and tuareg-let-always-indent looking-let-or-and (< ind tuareg-let-indent)) tuareg-let-indent ind) tuareg-pipe-extra-unindent) ind))) (defun tuareg-in-monadic-op-p (&optional pos) (unless pos (setq pos (point))) (and (char-equal ?> (char-before pos)) (char-equal ?> (char-before (1- pos))))) (defconst tuareg-meaningful-word-regexp "[^ \t\n_[:alnum:]]\\|\\<\\(\\w\\|_\\)+\\>\\|\\*)") (defun tuareg-find-meaningful-word () "Look back for a word, skipping comments and blanks. Returns the actual text of the word, if found." (let ((found nil) (kwop nil) (pt (point))) (while (and (not found) (re-search-backward tuareg-meaningful-word-regexp (point-min) t)) (setq kwop (tuareg-match-string 0)) (cond ((and (or (string= kwop "|") (string= kwop "=") (string= kwop ">")) (tuareg-in-monadic-op-p)) (backward-char 2) (setq kwop (concat ">>" kwop))) ((and (string= kwop ">") (char-equal ?- (char-before))) (backward-char) (setq kwop "->"))) (when (= pt (point)) (error "tuareg-find-meaningful-word: inf loop at %d, kwop=%s" pt kwop)) (setq pt (point)) (if kwop (if (tuareg-in-comment-p) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast) (setq found t)) (setq found t))) (if found kwop (goto-char (point-min)) nil))) (defun tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (kwop-regexp) "Make a custom indentation regexp." (concat (tuareg-give-find-kwop-regexp) "\\|" kwop-regexp)) ;; Dynamic regexps (for language changes, see `tuareg-editing-ls3') (defvar tuareg-find-comma-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-with-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-in-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-else-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-do-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-=-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-pipe-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-arrow-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-semicolon-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-break-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-class-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-compute-argument-indent-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-compute-normal-indent-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-module-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-pipe-bang-match-regexp nil) (defvar tuareg-find-monadic-match-regexp nil) ;; Static regexps (defconst tuareg-find-and-match-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "do" "done" "else" "end" "in" "then" "down" "downto" "for" "while" "do" "if" "begin" "sig" "struct" "class" "rule" "exception" "let" "in" "type" "val" "module") "\\|[][(){}]\\|\\*)")) (defconst tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "end" "type" "module" "sig" "struct" "class" "exception" "open" "let") "\\|^#[ \t]*[a-z][_a-z]*\\>\\|;;")) (defconst tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-and-regexp (concat "\\<\\(and\\)\\>\\|" tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation-regexp "[][(){}]\\|\\.<\\|>\\.\\|\\*)\\|^[ \t]*\\(.\\|\n\\)") ;; Specific regexps for module/class detection (defconst tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening (tuareg-ro "struct" "sig" "object")) (defconst tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening-full (concat tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening "\\|" (tuareg-ro "module" "class"))) (defconst tuareg-inside-module-or-class-regexp (concat (tuareg-give-matching-keyword-regexp) "\\|" tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening)) (defun tuareg-make-indentation-regexps () "Initialisation of specific indentation regexp. Gathered here for memoization and dynamic reconfiguration purposes." (setq tuareg-find-comma-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "and" "match" "begin" "else" "exception" "then" "try" "with" "or" "fun" "function" "let" "do") "\\|->\\|[[{(]")) tuareg-find-with-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "match" "try" "module" "begin" "with" "type") "\\|[[{(]")) tuareg-find-in-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (tuareg-ro "let" "open")) tuareg-find-else-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp ";") tuareg-find-do-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp "->") tuareg-find-=-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "val" "let" "method" "module" "type" "class" "when" "if" "in" "do") "\\|=")) tuareg-find-pipe-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (tuareg-give-match-pipe-kwop-regexp)) tuareg-find-arrow-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "external" "type" "val" "method" "let" "with" "fun" "function" "functor" "class" "parser") "\\|[|;]")) tuareg-find-semicolon-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat ";" tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp "\\|->\\|" (tuareg-ro "let" "method" "with" "try" "initializer"))) tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat tuareg-governing-phrase-regexp "\\|" (tuareg-ro "and" "every"))) tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-break-regexp (concat tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-regexp "\\|;;") tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-class-regexp (concat (tuareg-give-matching-keyword-regexp) "\\|\\") tuareg-compute-argument-indent-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp (concat (tuareg-give-keyword-regexp) "\\|=")) tuareg-compute-normal-indent-regexp (concat tuareg-compute-argument-indent-regexp "\\|^.[ \t]*") tuareg-find-module-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp "\\") tuareg-find-pipe-bang-match-regexp (concat tuareg-find-comma-match-regexp "\\|=") tuareg-find-monadic-match-regexp (concat tuareg-block-regexp "\\|\\([;=]\\)\\|\\(->\\)\\|" (tuareg-ro "val" "let" "method" "module" "type" "class" "when" "if" "in" "do" "done" "end")))) (defun tuareg-strip-trailing-whitespace (string) (if (string-match "[ \t]*\\'" string) (substring string 0 (match-beginning 0)) string)) (defun tuareg-find-kwop-pos (kr do-not-skip-regexp may-terminate-early) "Look back for a keyword or operator matching KR (short for kwop regexp). Skips blocks etc... Ignore occurences inside literals and comments. If found, return the actual text of the keyword or operator." (let ((found nil) (kwop nil) pos (kwop-regexp (if tuareg-support-metaocaml (concat kr "\\|\\.<\\|>\\.") kr))) (while (and (not found) (setq pos (re-search-backward kwop-regexp (point-min) t)) (setq kwop (tuareg-strip-trailing-whitespace ;; for trailing blanks after a semicolon (tuareg-match-string 0)))) (cond ((tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast)) ((looking-at "[]})]") (tuareg-backward-up-list)) ((tuareg-at-phrase-break-p) (setq found t)) ((and do-not-skip-regexp (looking-at do-not-skip-regexp)) (if (and (string= kwop "|") (char-equal ?| (preceding-char))) (backward-char) (setq found t))) ((looking-at (tuareg-give-matching-keyword-regexp)) (let ((mkwop (tuareg-find-leading-kwop-match (tuareg-match-string 0)))) (when (and may-terminate-early (string-match kwop-regexp mkwop)) (setq found t)))) (t (setq found t)))) (if found (list kwop pos) (goto-char (point-min)) nil))) (defun tuareg-find-kwop (kr &optional do-not-skip-regexp) (car (tuareg-find-kwop-pos kr do-not-skip-regexp nil))) (defun tuareg-find-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop (tuareg-give-find-kwop-regexp)))) (when (string= kwop "then") (tuareg-find-then-match) (tuareg-find-match)) kwop)) (defun tuareg-find-comma-match () (car (tuareg-find-kwop-pos tuareg-find-comma-match-regexp nil t))) (defun tuareg-find-pipe-bang-match () (destructuring-bind (kwop pos) (tuareg-find-kwop-pos tuareg-find-pipe-bang-match-regexp nil t) ;; when matched "if ... then", kwop is "then" but point is at "if" (goto-char pos) ; go back to kwop for tuareg-indent-to-code (if (looking-at "\\[|") "[|" kwop))) (defun tuareg-monadic-operator-p (word) (and (or (string= ">>=" word) (string= ">>|" word) (string= ">>>" word)) word)) (defun tuareg-ignorable-arrow-p () (save-excursion (or (tuareg-monadic-operator-p (tuareg-find-arrow-match)) (looking-at (tuareg-give-extra-unindent-regexp))))) (defun tuareg-find-monadic-match () (let (kwop) (while (or (null kwop) (and (string= kwop "=") (tuareg-in-monadic-op-p))) (when kwop (tuareg-backward-char 2)) (setq kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-monadic-match-regexp)) (when (and (string= kwop "->") (tuareg-ignorable-arrow-p)) (setq kwop nil))) kwop)) (defun tuareg-find-with-match () (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-with-match-regexp)) (defun tuareg-find-in-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-in-match-regexp "\\"))) (cond ((string= kwop "and") (tuareg-find-in-match)) (t kwop)))) (defconst tuareg-find-arrow-match-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-find-arrow-match-regexp tuareg-ls3-extras)) (defun tuareg-give-find-arrow-match-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-find-arrow-match-regexp-ls3 tuareg-find-arrow-match-regexp)) (defconst tuareg-find-then-match-skip-regexp-ls3 (regexp-opt '("->" "unless" "until") t)) (defconst tuareg-find-then-match-regexp-ls3 (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp tuareg-find-then-match-skip-regexp-ls3)) (defconst tuareg-find-then-match-regexp (tuareg-make-find-kwop-regexp "\\(->\\)")) (defun tuareg-find-then-kwop () (let ((ls3 (tuareg-editing-ls3))) (tuareg-find-kwop (if ls3 tuareg-find-then-match-regexp-ls3 tuareg-find-then-match-regexp) (if ls3 tuareg-find-then-match-regexp-ls3 "\\(->\\)")))) (defun tuareg-find-then-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-then-kwop))) (cond ((string= kwop "if") (let ((back (point))) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (if (looking-at "else[ \t]*\\((\\*.*\\*)\\)*[ \t]*if") "else if" (goto-char back) kwop))) (t kwop)))) (defun tuareg-find-then-else-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-then-kwop))) (cond ((string= kwop "if") (let ((pos (point))) (if (and (not (tuareg-in-indentation-p)) (string= "else" (tuareg-find-meaningful-word))) "else" (goto-char pos) kwop))) (t kwop)))) (defun tuareg-find-else-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-else-match-regexp "\\"))) (cond ((string= kwop "then") (tuareg-find-then-else-match)) ((string= kwop ";") (tuareg-find-semicolon-match) (tuareg-find-else-match))))) (defconst tuareg-do-match-stop-regexp (tuareg-ro "down" "downto")) (defun tuareg-find-do-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-do-match-regexp tuareg-do-match-stop-regexp))) (if (or (string= kwop "to") (string= kwop "downto")) (tuareg-find-match) kwop))) (defconst tuareg-done-match-stop-regexp (tuareg-ro "and" "do")) (defun tuareg-find-done-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop (tuareg-give-find-kwop-regexp) tuareg-done-match-stop-regexp))) (cond ((string= kwop "and") (tuareg-find-and-match)) ((string= kwop "done") (tuareg-find-done-match) (tuareg-find-done-match)) ((string= kwop "do") (tuareg-find-do-match)) (t kwop)))) (defconst tuareg-and-stop-regexp-ls3 (tuareg-ro "and" "do" "where")) (defun tuareg-give-and-stop-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-and-stop-regexp-ls3 "\\")) (defun tuareg-find-and-match () (let* ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-and-match-regexp (tuareg-give-and-stop-regexp))) (old-point (point))) (cond ((or (string= kwop "type") (string= kwop "module")) (let ((kwop2 (tuareg-find-meaningful-word))) (cond ((string= kwop2 "with") kwop2) ((string= kwop2 "and") (tuareg-find-and-match)) ((and (string= kwop "module") (string= kwop2 "let")) kwop2) (t (goto-char old-point) kwop)))) (t kwop)))) (defconst tuareg-=-stop-regexp-ls3 (concat (tuareg-ro "and" "do" "in" "where") "\\|=")) (defconst tuareg-=-stop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "and" "in") "\\|=")) (defun tuareg-give-=-stop-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-=-stop-regexp-ls3 tuareg-=-stop-regexp)) (defun tuareg-find-=-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-=-match-regexp (tuareg-give-=-stop-regexp)))) (cond ((string= kwop "and") (tuareg-find-and-match)) ((and (string= kwop "=") (not (tuareg-false-=-p))) (while (and (string= kwop "=") (not (tuareg-false-=-p))) (setq kwop (tuareg-find-=-match))) kwop) (t kwop)))) (defconst tuareg-if-when-regexp (tuareg-ro "if" "when")) (defun tuareg-if-when-= () (save-excursion (tuareg-find-=-match) (looking-at tuareg-if-when-regexp))) (defconst tuareg-captive-regexp (tuareg-ro "let" "if" "when" "module" "type" "class")) (defun tuareg-captive-= () (save-excursion (tuareg-find-=-match) (looking-at tuareg-captive-regexp))) (defconst tuareg-pipe-stop-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "and" "with") "\\||")) (defconst tuareg-pipe-stop-regexp-ls3 (concat tuareg-pipe-stop-regexp tuareg-ls3-extras)) (defun tuareg-give-pipe-stop-regexp () (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) tuareg-pipe-stop-regexp-ls3 tuareg-pipe-stop-regexp)) (defun tuareg-find-pipe-match () (let ((kwop (let ((k (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-pipe-match-regexp (tuareg-give-pipe-stop-regexp)))) (if (and k (string-match "|[^!]" k)) "|" k))) (old-point (point))) (cond ((string= kwop "and") (setq old-point (point)) (setq kwop (tuareg-find-and-match)) (if (not (string= kwop "do")) (goto-char old-point) (setq kwop (tuareg-find-arrow-match))) kwop) ((and (string= kwop "|") (looking-at "|[^|]") (tuareg-in-indentation-p)) kwop) ((string= kwop "|") (tuareg-find-pipe-match)) ((and (string= kwop "=") (or (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "=")) (tuareg-false-=-p) (not (string= (save-excursion (tuareg-find-=-match)) "type")))) (tuareg-find-pipe-match)) ((string= kwop "parse") (if (and (tuareg-editing-camllex) (save-excursion (string= (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) "="))) kwop (tuareg-find-pipe-match))) (t kwop)))) (defun tuareg-find-arrow-match () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop (tuareg-give-find-arrow-match-regexp) "\\"))) (cond ((string= kwop "|") (if (tuareg-in-indentation-p) kwop (progn (forward-char -1) (tuareg-find-arrow-match)))) ((string= kwop "fun") (let ((pos (point))) (or (tuareg-monadic-operator-p (tuareg-find-meaningful-word)) (progn (goto-char pos) kwop)))) ((not (string= kwop ":")) kwop) ;; If we get this far, we know we're looking at a colon. ((or (char-equal (char-before) ?:) (char-equal (char-after (1+ (point))) ?:) (char-equal (char-after (1+ (point))) ?>)) (tuareg-find-arrow-match)) ;; Patch by T. Freeman (t (let ((oldpoint (point)) (match (tuareg-find-arrow-match))) (if (looking-at ":") match (progn ;; Go back to where we were before the recursive call. (goto-char oldpoint) kwop))))))) (defconst tuareg-semicolon-match-stop-regexp (tuareg-ro "and" "do" "end" "in" "with")) (defconst tuareg-no-code-after-paren-regexp (tuareg-no-code-after "[[{(][|<]?")) (defun tuareg-semicolon-indent-kwop-point (&optional leading-semi-colon) ;; return (kwop kwop-point indentation) (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-semicolon-match-regexp tuareg-semicolon-match-stop-regexp)) (point (point))) ;; We don't need to find the keyword matching `and' since we know it's `let'! (list (cond ((string= kwop ";") (forward-line 1) (while (or (tuareg-in-comment-p) (looking-at tuareg-no-code-this-line-regexp)) (forward-line 1)) (back-to-indentation) (current-column)) ((and leading-semi-colon (looking-at "\\((\\|\\[[<|]?\\|{\\|\\((\\|\\[[<|]?\\|{") (if (save-excursion (tuareg-find-arrow-match) (or (looking-at "\\\\||") (looking-at (tuareg-give-extra-unindent-regexp)))) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent) (tuareg-find-semicolon-match))) ((string= kwop "end") (tuareg-find-match) (tuareg-find-semicolon-match)) ((string= kwop "in") (tuareg-find-in-match) (+ (current-column) tuareg-in-indent)) ((string= kwop "where") (tuareg-find-in-match) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) tuareg-in-indent)) ((string= kwop "let") (+ (current-column) tuareg-let-indent)) ((string= kwop "try") (forward-char 3) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (current-column)) (t (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent))) kwop point))) (defun tuareg-find-semicolon-match (&optional leading-semi-colon) (car (tuareg-semicolon-indent-kwop-point leading-semi-colon))) (defmacro tuareg-reset-and-kwop (kwop) `(when (and ,kwop (string= ,kwop "and")) (setq ,kwop (tuareg-find-and-match)))) (defconst tuareg-phrase-regexp-1 (tuareg-ro "module" "type")) (defconst tuareg-phrase-regexp-2 (tuareg-ro "and" "let" "module" "with")) (defconst tuareg-phrase-regexp-3 (tuareg-ro "and" "end" "every" "in" "with")) (defun tuareg-find-phrase-indentation (&optional phrase-break) (if (and (looking-at tuareg-phrase-regexp-1) (> (point) (point-min)) (save-excursion (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (looking-at tuareg-phrase-regexp-2))) (progn (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (+ (current-column) tuareg-default-indent)) (let ((looking-at-and (looking-at "\\")) (kwop (tuareg-find-kwop (if phrase-break tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-break-regexp tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-regexp) tuareg-phrase-regexp-3)) (tmpkwop nil) (curr nil)) (tuareg-reset-and-kwop kwop) (cond ((not kwop) (current-column)) ((string= kwop "every") (if (tuareg-editing-ls3) (progn (tuareg-find-done-match) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break) (current-column)) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break))) ((string= kwop "end") (if (not (save-excursion (setq tmpkwop (tuareg-find-match)) (setq curr (point)) (string= tmpkwop "object"))) (progn (tuareg-find-match) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break)) (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-phrase-indentation-class-regexp) (current-column))) ((and (string= kwop "with") (not (save-excursion (setq tmpkwop (tuareg-find-with-match)) (setq curr (point)) (string= tmpkwop "module")))) (goto-char curr) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break)) ((and (string= kwop "in") (not (save-excursion (setq tmpkwop (tuareg-find-in-match)) (tuareg-reset-and-kwop tmpkwop) (setq curr (point)) (and (string= tmpkwop "let") (not (tuareg-looking-at-internal-let)))))) (goto-char curr) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break)) ((tuareg-at-phrase-break-p) (end-of-line) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (current-column)) ((string= kwop "let") (if (tuareg-looking-at-internal-let) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break) (current-column))) ((string= kwop "with") (current-column)) ((string= kwop "end") (current-column)) ((or (string= kwop "in") (string= kwop "where")) (tuareg-find-in-match) (current-column)) ((string= kwop "class") (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column)) ((looking-at tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop))) ((or (string= kwop "type") (string= kwop "module")) (if (or (tuareg-looking-at-false-type) (tuareg-looking-at-false-module)) (if looking-at-and (current-column) (if (string= "and" (tuareg-find-meaningful-word)) (progn (tuareg-find-and-match) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break)) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation phrase-break))) (current-column))) ((looking-at "\\(\\.<\\|(\\|\\[[<|]?\\|{") (setq kwop "with") (goto-char with-point)))) (setq retval (cond ((string= kwop "with") nil) ((or (string= kwop "in") (string= kwop "do")) (tuareg-in-indentation-p)) ; ((looking-at "[[{(]") (tuareg-search-forward-paren) nil) ; ((looking-at "\\.<") ; (if tuareg-support-metaocaml ; (progn ; (tuareg-search-forward-paren) nil) ; (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation))) (t (back-to-indentation) t))) (cond ; ((looking-at "|[^|]") ; (re-search-forward "|[^|][ \t]*") nil) ((or (string= kwop "in") (string= kwop "do")) (tuareg-find-in-match) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (if (looking-at "\\<\\(let\\|and\\)\\>") (forward-char tuareg-in-indent)) nil) (t retval))))) (defun tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column () (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (current-column)) (defun tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent () (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) tuareg-default-indent)) (defun tuareg-search-forward-paren () (re-search-forward "\\(\\.<\\|(\\|\\[[<|]?\\|{ (preceding-char)))) (or (looking-at tuareg-internal-let-regexp) (looking-at tuareg-operator-regexp))))) (defconst tuareg-false-module-regexp (tuareg-ro "and" "let" "with")) (defun tuareg-looking-at-false-module () (save-excursion (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (looking-at tuareg-false-module-regexp))) (defun tuareg-looking-at-false-sig-struct () (save-excursion (tuareg-find-module) (looking-at "\\\\|("))) (defconst tuareg-false-type-regexp (tuareg-ro "and" "class" "module" "with")) (defun tuareg-looking-at-false-type () (save-excursion (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (looking-at tuareg-false-type-regexp))) (defun tuareg-looking-at-in-let () (save-excursion (string= (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) "in"))) (defun tuareg-find-module () (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-module-regexp)) (defun tuareg-indent-from-previous-kwop () (let* ((start-pos (point)) (kwop (tuareg-find-argument-kwop-non-blank t)) (captive= (and (string= kwop "=") (tuareg-captive-=))) (kwop-pos (point))) (forward-char (length kwop)) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (cond ((or (not captive=) (/= (point) start-pos)) ; code between paren and kwop (goto-char start-pos) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent)) (t (goto-char kwop-pos) (when (string= kwop "=") (setq kwop (tuareg-find-=-match))) (+ tuareg-default-indent (if (assoc kwop tuareg-leading-kwop-alist) (tuareg-compute-kwop-indent kwop) (current-column))))))) (defun tuareg-find-colon-typespec (start-pos) (let* ((old-pos (point)) (new-pos (search-forward ":" start-pos t))) (when new-pos (backward-char 1) (skip-syntax-backward " ") (skip-syntax-backward "w") (skip-syntax-backward " ") (let ((char (char-before))) (cond ((or (char-equal char ??) (char-equal char ?~)) (goto-char old-pos) nil) (t (goto-char new-pos) t)))))) (defun tuareg-indent-from-paren (leading-operator start-pos) (cond ((looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "\\(\\(\\.<\\|(\\|\\[[<|]?\\|{") (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent)) ((looking-at "([ \t]*\\(\\w\\)") (goto-char (match-beginning 1)) (current-column)) (t (+ (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator) (current-column))))) (defun tuareg-skip-to-next-form (old-point) (while (and (not (looking-at tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp)) (< (point) old-point)) ; do not go beyond old-point (forward-sexp 1)) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation)) (defun tuareg-find-argument-kwop (leading-operator) (tuareg-find-kwop (if leading-operator tuareg-compute-argument-indent-regexp tuareg-compute-normal-indent-regexp) (tuareg-give-keyword-regexp))) (defun tuareg-find-argument-kwop-clean (leading-operator) (let (kwop) (while (or (progn (setq kwop (tuareg-find-argument-kwop leading-operator)) (tuareg-reset-and-kwop kwop) nil) (and (string= kwop "=") (tuareg-false-=-p)) (and (looking-at tuareg-no-code-this-line-regexp) (not (= (point) (point-min)))))) kwop)) (defun tuareg-find-argument-kwop-non-blank (leading-operator) (let ((kwop "") (point (1+ (point)))) (while (and (> point (point)) (string= "" kwop)) (setq point (point) kwop (tuareg-find-argument-kwop-clean leading-operator))) kwop)) (defun tuareg-compute-argument-indent (leading-operator) (let* ((old-point (line-beginning-position)) (kwop (tuareg-find-argument-kwop-non-blank leading-operator)) (match-end-point (+ (point) (length kwop)))) ; match-end is invalid! (cond ((and (string= kwop "->") (not (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "->")))) (let (matching-kwop matching-pos) (save-excursion (setq matching-kwop (tuareg-find-arrow-match)) (setq matching-pos (point))) (cond ((string= matching-kwop ":") (goto-char matching-pos) (tuareg-find-arrow-match) ; matching `val' or `let' (+ (current-column) tuareg-val-indent)) ((or (string= matching-kwop "val") (string= matching-kwop "let")) (+ (current-column) tuareg-val-indent)) ((string= matching-kwop "|") (goto-char matching-pos) (+ (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator) (current-column) (- tuareg-pipe-extra-unindent) tuareg-default-indent)) (t (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator)))))) ((string= kwop "fun") (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop))) ((<= old-point (point)) (+ (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator) (current-column))) (t (goto-char match-end-point) ; skip kwop == (forward-char (length kwop)) (tuareg-skip-to-next-form old-point) (+ (tuareg-add-default-indent (if (save-excursion (goto-char match-end-point) (looking-at tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp)) (or leading-operator (string= kwop "{") (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "[[:upper:]].*\\."))) (not (looking-at tuareg-operator-regexp)))) (current-column)))))) (defun tuareg-compute-arrow-indent (start-pos) (let (kwop pos) (save-excursion (setq kwop (tuareg-find-arrow-match) pos (point))) (cond ((string= kwop "|") (tuareg-find-arrow-match) (+ (current-column) tuareg-default-indent)) ((or (string= kwop "val") (string= kwop "let")) (goto-char pos) (+ (current-column) tuareg-val-indent)) ((string= kwop "type") (goto-char pos) (+ (current-column) tuareg-type-indent tuareg-default-indent)) ((string= kwop "(") (goto-char pos) (tuareg-indent-after-next-char)) ((or (string= kwop "{") (string= kwop ";")) (if (and (looking-at "->") (search-backward ":" pos t)) (tuareg-indent-after-next-char) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (current-column))) ((tuareg-monadic-operator-p kwop) ;; find the last ">>=" or ">>>" ;; (goto-char pos) ;; (let ((back (point))) ;; (while (tuareg-monadic-operator-p (tuareg-find-arrow-match)) ;; (setq back (point))) ;; (goto-char back)) ;; (if (not (re-search-backward ;; (concat "(\\|" (tuareg-give-keyword-regexp)) ;; (point-min) t)) ;; 0 ;; (goto-char (match-end 0)) ;; (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) ;; (tuareg-compute-indent)) ;; this is not perfect, in particular, inside match. ;; (see example in sample.ml) ;; the problem is that we cannot skip an expression backwards. ;; workaround: wrap code in parens (destructuring-bind (indent kwop point) (tuareg-semicolon-indent-kwop-point) (- indent (if (string= kwop "in") tuareg-in-indent 0)))) (t (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent))))) (defun tuareg-compute-keyword-indent (kwop leading-operator start-pos) (cond ((string= kwop ";") (if (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after ";")) (let* ((pos (point)) (indent (tuareg-find-semicolon-match))) (if (looking-at tuareg-phrase-regexp-1) (progn (goto-char start-pos) (if (search-backward ":" pos t) (tuareg-indent-after-next-char) indent)) indent)) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent))) ((string= kwop ",") (if (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after ",")) (let ((mkwop (tuareg-find-comma-match))) (cond ((or (string= mkwop "[") (string= mkwop "{") (string= mkwop "(")) (forward-char 1) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (current-column)) ((looking-at "[[{(]\\|\\.<") (tuareg-indent-from-paren t start-pos)) ((or (and (looking-at "[<|]") (char-equal ?\[ (preceding-char))) (and (looking-at "<") (char-equal ?\{ (preceding-char)))) (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-indent-from-paren t start-pos)) ((and (looking-at "\\") (string= mkwop "in")) (+ (current-column) tuareg-in-indent)) (t (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (tuareg-assoc-indent mkwop))))) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent))) ((looking-at "\\\\|->") (if (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "\\(\\\\|->\\)")) (tuareg-indent-from-paren leading-operator start-pos) (+ tuareg-default-indent (tuareg-indent-from-paren leading-operator start-pos)))) ((or (string= kwop "let") (string= kwop "and")) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t))) ((string= kwop "with") (if (save-excursion (let ((tmpkwop (tuareg-find-with-match))) (or (string= tmpkwop "module") (string= tmpkwop "{")))) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (* 2 tuareg-default-indent) ; assume a missing first "|" (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t)))) ((string-match "\\<\\(fun\\|of\\)\\>" kwop) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t))) ((string-match (tuareg-give-extra-unindent-regexp) kwop) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t))) ((string= kwop "in") (when (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "\\")) (tuareg-find-in-match)) (+ (current-column) tuareg-in-indent)) ((string-match (tuareg-give-matching-kwop-regexp) kwop) (tuareg-find-leading-kwop-match kwop) (if (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (+ (current-column) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t)) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t)))) ((string= kwop "try") (forward-char 3) (if (looking-at tuareg-no-more-code-this-line-regexp) (+ (current-column) -3 tuareg-default-indent) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (+ (current-column) tuareg-default-indent))) (t (+ (if (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (current-column) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent)) (tuareg-assoc-indent kwop t))))) (defconst tuareg-=-indent-regexp-1 (tuareg-ro "val" "let" "method" "module" "class" "when" "for" "if" "do")) (defun tuareg-compute-=-indent (start-pos) (let ((current-column-module-type nil) (kwop1 (tuareg-find-=-match)) (next-pos (point))) (+ (save-excursion (tuareg-reset-and-kwop kwop1) (cond ((string= kwop1 "type") (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (cond ((looking-at "\\") (setq current-column-module-type (current-column)) tuareg-default-indent) ((looking-at "\\<\\(with\\|and\\)\\>") (tuareg-find-with-match) (setq current-column-module-type (current-column)) tuareg-default-indent) (t (goto-char start-pos) (beginning-of-line) (+ (tuareg-add-default-indent (looking-at "[ \t]*[\[|]")) tuareg-type-indent)))) ((looking-at tuareg-=-indent-regexp-1) (let ((matched-string (tuareg-match-string 0))) (setq current-column-module-type (current-column)) (tuareg-assoc-indent matched-string))) ((looking-at "\\") (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (setq current-column-module-type (current-column)) (+ (tuareg-assoc-indent "object") tuareg-default-indent)) ((looking-at tuareg-no-code-after-paren-regexp) (setq current-column-module-type (tuareg-indent-from-paren nil next-pos)) tuareg-default-indent) (t (setq current-column-module-type (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent)) tuareg-default-indent))) (or current-column-module-type (current-column))))) (defun tuareg-indent-after-next-char () (forward-char 1) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (current-column)) (defconst tuareg-definitions-regexp (tuareg-ro "and" "val" "type" "module" "class" "exception" "let") "Regexp matching definition phrases.") (defun tuareg-compute-normal-indent () (let ((leading-operator (looking-at tuareg-operator-regexp))) (beginning-of-line) (save-excursion (let ((start-pos (point)) (kwop (tuareg-find-argument-kwop-clean leading-operator))) (cond ((not kwop) (current-column)) ((tuareg-at-phrase-break-p) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation t)) ((and (string= kwop "|") (not (char-equal ?\[ (preceding-char)))) (tuareg-backward-char) (+ (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent) (tuareg-add-default-indent leading-operator))) ((or (looking-at "[[{(]") (and (looking-at "[<|]") (char-equal ?\[ (preceding-char)) (progn (tuareg-backward-char) t)) (and (looking-at "<") (char-equal ?\{ (preceding-char)) (progn (tuareg-backward-char) t))) (cond ((looking-at "{ *[A-Z]") (forward-char 1) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (current-column)) ((looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "[[{(][<|]?")) (tuareg-indent-from-paren leading-operator start-pos)) ((and leading-operator (string= kwop "(")) (tuareg-indent-after-next-char)) (t (+ tuareg-default-indent (tuareg-indent-from-paren leading-operator start-pos))))) ((looking-at "\\.<") (if (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "\\.<")) (tuareg-indent-from-paren leading-operator start-pos) (+ tuareg-default-indent (tuareg-indent-from-paren leading-operator start-pos)))) ((looking-at "->") (tuareg-compute-arrow-indent start-pos)) ((looking-at (tuareg-give-keyword-regexp)) (tuareg-compute-keyword-indent kwop leading-operator start-pos)) ((and (string= kwop "=") (not (tuareg-false-=-p)) (or (null leading-operator) ;; defining "=", not testing for equality (string-match tuareg-definitions-regexp (save-excursion (tuareg-find-argument-kwop-clean t))))) (tuareg-compute-=-indent start-pos)) (nil 0) (t (tuareg-compute-argument-indent leading-operator))))))) (defun tuareg-compute-pipe-indent (matching-kwop old-point) (cond ((string= matching-kwop "|") (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (current-column)) ((and (string= matching-kwop "=") (not (tuareg-false-=-p))) (re-search-forward "=[ \t]*") (current-column)) ((and matching-kwop (looking-at (tuareg-give-match-pipe-kwop-regexp))) (when (looking-at (tuareg-give-extra-unindent-regexp)) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation)) (+ (tuareg-assoc-indent matching-kwop t) (tuareg-add-default-indent (not (looking-at "|"))) (current-column) (if (or (string= matching-kwop "type") (string= matching-kwop "[")) 0 tuareg-pipe-extra-unindent))) (t (goto-char old-point) (tuareg-compute-normal-indent)))) (defun tuareg-compute-paren-indent (paren-match-p old-point) (unless paren-match-p (tuareg-search-forward-paren)) (let ((looking-at-paren (char-equal ?\( (char-after))) (start-pos (point))) (when (or looking-at-paren (looking-at (tuareg-no-code-after "\\(\{\\(.*with[ \t]*\\([[:upper:]].*\\.\\)?\\)?\\|\\[\\)"))) (if (or (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (save-excursion (string= ":" (tuareg-find-meaningful-word)))) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (tuareg-indent-from-previous-kwop)) (when looking-at-paren (skip-chars-forward "( \t" start-pos)) (while (and (looking-at "[([{]") (> (scan-sexps (point) 1) (save-excursion (goto-char old-point) (line-end-position)))) (forward-char 1) (skip-syntax-forward " ")))) (current-column)) (defun tuareg-compute-kwop-indent-general (kwop matching-kwop) (let* ((looking-at-matching (looking-at matching-kwop)) (extra-unindent ; non-paren code before matching-kwop (unless (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward "( \t" (line-beginning-position)) (bolp)) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) t))) (+ (current-column) (tuareg-add-default-indent (if extra-unindent (or (string= matching-kwop "struct") (string= matching-kwop "object") (string= matching-kwop "with") (string= kwop "end")) (or (not (string= kwop "then")) looking-at-matching)))))) (defun tuareg-compute-kwop-indent (kwop) (when (string= kwop "rec") (setq kwop "and")) (let* ((old-point (point)) (paren-match-p (looking-at "[|>]?[]})]\\|>\\.")) (real-pipe (looking-at "|\\([^|]\\|$\\)")) (matching-kwop (tuareg-find-leading-kwop-match kwop))) (cond ((string= kwop "|") (if real-pipe (tuareg-compute-pipe-indent matching-kwop old-point) (goto-char old-point) (tuareg-compute-normal-indent))) ((looking-at "[[{(][<|]?\\|\\.<") (tuareg-compute-paren-indent paren-match-p old-point)) ((string= kwop "with") (when (string= matching-kwop "type") (setq old-point (point) matching-kwop (tuareg-find-meaningful-word))) (while (string= matching-kwop "with") (tuareg-find-with-match) (setq matching-kwop (tuareg-find-leading-kwop-match kwop))) (cond ((or (string= matching-kwop "module") (string= matching-kwop "struct")) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent)) ((or (string= matching-kwop "try") (string= matching-kwop "match")) (tuareg-compute-kwop-indent-general kwop matching-kwop)) (t (goto-char old-point) (tuareg-compute-kwop-indent-general kwop matching-kwop)))) ((and (tuareg-editing-ls3) (or (string= kwop "do") (string= kwop "done") (string= kwop "reset") (string= kwop "unless") (string= kwop "until"))) (tuareg-back-to-paren-or-indentation) (if (string= matching-kwop "->") (+ (current-column) tuareg-default-indent) (current-column))) ((or (and (string= kwop "and") (string= matching-kwop "reset")) (and (string= kwop "end") (tuareg-editing-ls3) (or (string= matching-kwop "match") (string= matching-kwop "automaton") (string= matching-kwop "present")))) (if (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (current-column) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column))) ((string= kwop "in") (+ (current-column) (tuareg-add-default-indent (string= matching-kwop "let")))) ((not (string= kwop "and")) ; pretty general case (tuareg-compute-kwop-indent-general kwop matching-kwop)) ((string= matching-kwop "with") (current-column)) (t (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-column))))) (defun tuareg-indent-to-code (beg-pos match) (unless (and (string= match "(") (search-forward "->" beg-pos t)) (forward-char (length match))) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (current-column)) (defun tuareg-indent-command (&optional from-leading-star) "Indent the current line in Tuareg mode. Compute new indentation based on Caml syntax." (interactive "*") (unless from-leading-star (tuareg-auto-fill-insert-leading-star)) (let ((case-fold-search nil)) (tuareg-with-internal-syntax (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (indent-line-to (max 0 (tuareg-compute-indent)))) (when (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (back-to-indentation))))) (defconst tuareg-sig-struct-regexp (tuareg-ro "sig" "struct")) (defconst tuareg-top-level-command-regexp (concat "#" (tuareg-ro "open" "load" "use"))) (defun tuareg-compute-indent () (save-excursion (cond ((tuareg-in-comment-p) (cond ((looking-at "(\\*") (if tuareg-indent-leading-comments (save-excursion (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (back-to-indentation) (current-column)) (current-column))) ((looking-at "\\*\\**)") (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast) (if (tuareg-leading-star-p) (+ (current-column) (if (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (back-to-indentation) (looking-at "*")) 1 tuareg-comment-end-extra-indent)) (+ (current-column) tuareg-comment-end-extra-indent))) (tuareg-indent-comments (let ((star (and (tuareg-leading-star-p) (looking-at "\\*")))) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment-fast) (if star (re-search-forward "(") (re-search-forward "(\\*+[ \t]*")) (current-column))) (t (current-column)))) ((tuareg-in-literal-p) (current-column)) ((or (looking-at "\\") (looking-at "\\")) (if (tuareg-looking-at-internal-let) (if (tuareg-looking-at-in-let) (progn (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (tuareg-find-in-match) (current-column)) (tuareg-compute-normal-indent)) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation))) ((or (looking-at tuareg-governing-phrase-regexp) (looking-at ";;")) (tuareg-find-phrase-indentation)) ((and tuareg-sig-struct-align (looking-at tuareg-sig-struct-regexp)) (if (string= (tuareg-find-module) "module") (current-column) (tuareg-paren-or-indentation-indent))) ((looking-at ";") (tuareg-find-semicolon-match t)) ((looking-at "|!") (tuareg-indent-to-code (line-beginning-position) (tuareg-find-pipe-bang-match))) ((looking-at ">>[=>|]") (tuareg-indent-to-code (line-beginning-position) (tuareg-find-monadic-match))) ((or (looking-at "%\\|;;") (and tuareg-support-camllight (looking-at "#")) (looking-at tuareg-top-level-command-regexp)) 0) ((or (looking-at (tuareg-give-matching-kwop-regexp)) (looking-at "\\") (and tuareg-support-metaocaml (looking-at ">\\."))) (tuareg-compute-kwop-indent (tuareg-match-string 0))) (t (tuareg-compute-normal-indent))))) (defun tuareg-split-string () "Called whenever a line is broken inside a Caml string literal." (insert-before-markers "\\ ") (tuareg-backward-char)) (defadvice newline-and-indent (around tuareg-newline-and-indent activate) "Handle multi-line strings in Tuareg mode." (let ((hooked (and (eq major-mode 'tuareg-mode) (tuareg-in-literal-p))) (split-mark)) (when hooked (setq split-mark (set-marker (make-marker) (point))) (tuareg-split-string)) ad-do-it (when hooked (goto-char split-mark) (set-marker split-mark nil)))) (defun tuareg-electric-pipe () "If inserting a | operator at beginning of line, reindent the line." (interactive "*") (let ((electric (and tuareg-electric-indent (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (not (tuareg-in-literal-p)) (not (tuareg-in-comment-p))))) (self-insert-command 1) (and electric (not (and (char-equal ?| (preceding-char)) (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-find-pipe-match) (not (looking-at (tuareg-give-match-pipe-kwop-regexp)))))) (indent-according-to-mode)))) (defun tuareg-electric-rp () "If inserting a ) operator or a comment-end at beginning of line, reindent the line." (interactive "*") (let ((electric (and tuareg-electric-indent (or (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (char-equal ?* (preceding-char))) (not (tuareg-in-literal-p)) (or (not (tuareg-in-comment-p)) (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (looking-at "\\*")))))) (self-insert-command 1) (and electric (indent-according-to-mode)))) (defun tuareg-electric-rc () "If inserting a } operator at beginning of line, reindent the line. Reindent also if } is inserted after a > operator at beginning of line. Also, if the matching { is followed by a < and this } is not preceded by >, insert one >." (interactive "*") (let* ((prec (preceding-char)) (look-bra (and tuareg-electric-close-vector (not (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p)) (not (char-equal ?> prec)))) (electric (and tuareg-electric-indent (or (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (and (char-equal ?> prec) (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-in-indentation-p)))) (not (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p))))) (self-insert-command 1) (when look-bra (save-excursion (let ((inserted-char (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-backward-up-list) (cond ((looking-at "{<") ">") (t ""))))) (tuareg-backward-char) (insert inserted-char)))) (when electric (indent-according-to-mode)))) (defun tuareg-electric-rb () "If inserting a ] operator at beginning of line, reindent the line. Reindent also if ] is inserted after a | operator at beginning of line. Also, if the matching [ is followed by a | and this ] is not preceded by |, insert one |." (interactive "*") (let* ((prec (preceding-char)) (look-pipe-or-bra (and tuareg-electric-close-vector (not (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p)) (not (and (char-equal ?| prec) (not (char-equal (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (preceding-char)) ?\[)))))) (electric (and tuareg-electric-indent (or (tuareg-in-indentation-p) (and (char-equal ?| prec) (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-in-indentation-p)))) (not (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p))))) (self-insert-command 1) (when look-pipe-or-bra (save-excursion (let ((inserted-char (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-backward-up-list) (cond ((looking-at "\\[|") "|") (t ""))))) (tuareg-backward-char) (insert inserted-char)))) (when electric (indent-according-to-mode)))) (defun tuareg-abbrev-hook () "If inserting a leading keyword at beginning of line, reindent the line." (unless (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p) (let* ((bol (line-beginning-position)) (kw (save-excursion (and (re-search-backward "^[ \t]*\\(\\w\\|_\\)+\\=" bol t) (tuareg-match-string 1))))) (when kw (insert " ") (indent-according-to-mode) (backward-delete-char-untabify 1))))) (defun tuareg-skip-to-end-of-phrase () (let ((old-point (point))) (when (and (string= (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) ";") (char-equal (preceding-char) ?\;)) (setq old-point (1- (point)))) (goto-char old-point) (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-meaningful-word))) (goto-char (+ (point) (length kwop)))))) (defun tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments () (skip-syntax-forward " ") (while (and (not (eobp)) (tuareg-in-comment-p) (search-forward "*)" nil t)) (skip-syntax-forward " "))) (defun tuareg-skip-back-blank-and-comments () (skip-syntax-backward " ") (while (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char) (and (> (point) (point-min)) (tuareg-in-comment-p))) (tuareg-backward-char) (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment) (skip-syntax-backward " "))) (defun tuareg-find-phrase-beginning (&optional stop-at-and) "Find `real' phrase beginning and return point." (beginning-of-line) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (end-of-line) (tuareg-skip-to-end-of-phrase) (let ((old-point (point)) (pt (point))) (if stop-at-and (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-and-regexp "and") (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-regexp)) (while (and (> (point) (point-min)) (< (point) old-point) (or (not (looking-at tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-and-regexp)) (and (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-looking-at-internal-let)) (and (looking-at "\\") (save-excursion (tuareg-find-and-match) (tuareg-looking-at-internal-let))) (and (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-looking-at-false-module)) (and (looking-at tuareg-sig-struct-regexp) (tuareg-looking-at-false-sig-struct)) (and (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-looking-at-false-type)))) (when (= pt (point)) (error "tuareg-find-phrase-beginning: inf loop at %d" pt)) (setq pt (point)) (if (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-find-match) (unless (bolp) (tuareg-backward-char)) (setq old-point (point)) (if stop-at-and (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-and-regexp "and") (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-find-phrase-beginning-regexp)))) (when (tuareg-at-phrase-break-p) (end-of-line) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments)) (back-to-indentation) (point))) (defun tuareg-imenu-prev-index-position () "The default value for `imenu-prev-index-position-function'." (let ((pos (point)) ret) (while (and (<= 0 pos) (<= pos (setq ret (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning t)))) (setq pos (goto-char (1- pos)))) (and (<= 0 pos) ret))) (defun tuareg-imenu-extract-index-name () "The default value for `imenu-extract-index-name-function'." (forward-sexp 1) (skip-syntax-forward " ") (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (scan-sexps (point) 1))) (defun tuareg-search-forward-end () (let ((begin (point)) (current -1) (found) (move t)) (while (and move (> (point) current)) (if (re-search-forward "\\" (point-max) t) (let ((stop (point)) (kwop)) (unless (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p) (save-excursion (tuareg-backward-char 3) (setq kwop (tuareg-find-match)) (cond ((string= kwop "object") (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning)) ((and (looking-at tuareg-sig-struct-regexp) (tuareg-looking-at-false-sig-struct)) (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning))) (cond ((or (> (point) begin) (and (string= kwop "sig") (looking-at "[ \t\n]*\\(\\[ \t\n]*\\\\|=\\)"))) (if (> (point) current) (progn (setq current (point)) (goto-char stop)) (setq found nil move nil))) (t (setq found t move nil)))))) (setq found nil move nil))) found)) (defun tuareg-inside-module-or-class-find-kwop () (let ((kwop (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-inside-module-or-class-regexp "\\<\\(and\\|end\\)\\>"))) (tuareg-reset-and-kwop kwop) (when (string= kwop "with") (setq kwop nil)) (if (string= kwop "end") (progn (tuareg-find-match) (tuareg-find-kwop tuareg-inside-module-or-class-regexp) (tuareg-inside-module-or-class-find-kwop)) kwop))) (defun tuareg-inside-module-or-class-p () (let ((begin) (end) (and-end) (and-iter t) (kwop t)) (save-excursion (when (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-find-and-match)) (setq begin (point)) (unless (or (and (looking-at "\\") (save-excursion (re-search-forward "\\" (point-max) t) (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning) (> (point) begin))) (and (looking-at "\\") (save-excursion (re-search-forward tuareg-sig-struct-regexp (point-max) t) (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning) (> (point) begin)))) (unless (looking-at tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening-full) (setq kwop (tuareg-inside-module-or-class-find-kwop))) (when kwop (setq begin (point)) (when (tuareg-search-forward-end) (tuareg-backward-char 3) (when (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-forward-char 3) (setq end (point)) (setq and-end (point)) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (while (and and-iter (looking-at "\\")) (setq and-end (point)) (when (tuareg-search-forward-end) (tuareg-backward-char 3) (when (looking-at "\\") (tuareg-forward-char 3) (setq and-end (point)) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments))) (when (<= (point) and-end) (setq and-iter nil))) (list begin end and-end)))))))) (defun tuareg-move-inside-module-or-class-opening () "Go to the beginning of the enclosing module or class. Notice that white-lines (or comments) located immediately before a module/class are considered enclosed in this module/class." (interactive) (let* ((old-point (point)) (kwop (tuareg-inside-module-or-class-find-kwop))) (unless kwop (goto-char old-point)) (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning))) (defun tuareg-discover-phrase (&optional quiet stop-at-and) (end-of-line) (let ((end (point)) (case-fold-search nil)) (tuareg-with-internal-syntax (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning stop-at-and) (when (> (point) end) (setq end (point))) (save-excursion (let ((begin (point)) (cpt 0) (lines-left 0) (stop) (inside-module-or-class (tuareg-inside-module-or-class-p)) (looking-block (looking-at tuareg-inside-module-or-class-opening-full))) (if (and looking-block inside-module-or-class) (progn (setq begin (nth 0 inside-module-or-class)) (setq end (nth 2 inside-module-or-class)) (goto-char end)) (if inside-module-or-class (progn (setq stop (save-excursion (goto-char (nth 1 inside-module-or-class)) (line-beginning-position))) (if (< stop end) (setq stop (point-max)))) (setq stop (point-max))) (save-restriction (goto-char end) (while (and (= lines-left 0) (or (not inside-module-or-class) (< (point) stop)) (<= (save-excursion (tuareg-find-phrase-beginning stop-at-and)) end)) (unless quiet (setq cpt (1+ cpt)) (when (= 8 cpt) (message "Looking for enclosing phrase..."))) (setq end (point)) (tuareg-skip-to-end-of-phrase) (narrow-to-region (line-beginning-position) (point-max)) (goto-char end) (setq lines-left (forward-line 1))))) (when (>= cpt 8) (message "Looking for enclosing phrase... done.")) (save-excursion (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (setq end (point))) (tuareg-skip-back-blank-and-comments) (list begin (point) end)))))) (defun tuareg-mark-phrase () "Put mark at end of this Caml phrase, point at beginning. The Caml phrase is the phrase just before the point." (interactive) (let ((pair (tuareg-discover-phrase))) (goto-char (nth 1 pair)) (push-mark (nth 0 pair) t t))) (defun tuareg-next-phrase (&optional quiet stop-at-and) "Skip to the beginning of the next phrase." (interactive "i") (goto-char (save-excursion (nth 2 (tuareg-discover-phrase quiet stop-at-and)))) (cond ((looking-at "\\") (tuareg-next-phrase quiet stop-at-and)) ((looking-at ")") (forward-char 1) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments)) ((looking-at ";;") (forward-char 2) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments)))) (defun tuareg-previous-phrase () "Skip to the beginning of the previous phrase." (interactive) (beginning-of-line) (tuareg-skip-to-end-of-phrase) (tuareg-discover-phrase)) (defun tuareg-indent-phrase () "Depending of the context: justify and indent a comment, or indent all lines in the current phrase." (interactive) (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (if (tuareg-in-comment-p) (let* ((cobpoint (save-excursion (tuareg-beginning-of-literal-or-comment) (point))) (begpoint (save-excursion (while (and (> (point) cobpoint) (tuareg-in-comment-p) (not (looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))) (forward-line -1)) (max cobpoint (point)))) (coepoint (save-excursion (while (tuareg-in-comment-p) (re-search-forward "\\*)" nil 'end)) (point))) (endpoint (save-excursion (re-search-forward "^[ \t]*$" coepoint 'end) (line-beginning-position 2))) (leading-star (tuareg-leading-star-p))) (goto-char begpoint) (while (and leading-star (< (point) endpoint) (not (looking-at "^[ \t]*$"))) (forward-line 1) (back-to-indentation) (when (looking-at "\\*\\**\\([^)]\\|$\\)") (delete-char 1) (setq endpoint (1- endpoint)))) (goto-char (min (point) endpoint)) (fill-region begpoint endpoint) (re-search-forward "\\*)" nil 'end) (setq endpoint (point)) (when leading-star (goto-char begpoint) (forward-line 1) (if (< (point) endpoint) (tuareg-auto-fill-insert-leading-star t))) (indent-region begpoint endpoint nil)) (let ((pair (tuareg-discover-phrase))) (indent-region (nth 0 pair) (nth 1 pair) nil))))) (defun tuareg-complete (arg) "Completes qualified ocaml identifiers." (interactive "p") (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w" tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (caml-complete arg) (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "_" tuareg-mode-syntax-table)) (defun tuareg-find-alternate-file () "Switch Implementation/Interface." (interactive) (let ((name (buffer-file-name))) (when (string-match "\\`\\(.*\\)\\.ml\\(i\\)?\\'" name) (find-file (concat (tuareg-match-string 1 name) (if (match-beginning 2) ".ml" ".mli")))))) (defun tuareg-ensure-space () (let ((prec (preceding-char))) (when (and prec (not (char-equal ?\ (char-syntax prec)))) (insert " ")))) (defun tuareg-insert-class-form () "Insert a nicely formatted class-end form, leaving a mark after end." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "class = object (self)\ninherit as super\nend;;\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (indent-according-to-mode) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode))) (defun tuareg-insert-begin-form () "Insert a nicely formatted begin-end form, leaving a mark after end." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "begin\n\nend\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode))) (defun tuareg-insert-for-form () "Insert a nicely formatted for-to-done form, leaving a mark after done." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "for do\n\ndone\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode) (beginning-of-line 1) (backward-char 4))) (defun tuareg-insert-while-form () "Insert a nicely formatted for-to-done form, leaving a mark after done." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "while do\n\ndone\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode) (beginning-of-line 1) (backward-char 4))) (defun tuareg-insert-if-form () "Insert a nicely formatted if-then-else form, leaving a mark after else." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "if\n\nthen\n\nelse\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (indent-according-to-mode) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode))) (defun tuareg-insert-match-form () "Insert a nicely formatted math-with form, leaving a mark after with." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "match\n\nwith\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (indent-according-to-mode) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode))) (defun tuareg-insert-let-form () "Insert a nicely formatted let-in form, leaving a mark after in." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "let in\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (indent-according-to-mode) (push-mark) (beginning-of-line) (backward-char 4) (indent-according-to-mode))) (defun tuareg-insert-try-form () "Insert a nicely formatted try-with form, leaving a mark after with." (interactive "*") (tuareg-ensure-space) (let ((old (point))) (insert "try\n\nwith\n") (end-of-line) (indent-region old (point) nil) (indent-according-to-mode) (push-mark) (forward-line -2) (indent-according-to-mode))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Tuareg interactive mode ;; Augment Tuareg mode with a Caml toplevel. (require 'comint) (defvar tuareg-interactive-mode-map (let ((map (copy-keymap comint-mode-map))) (define-key map "|" 'tuareg-electric-pipe) (define-key map ")" 'tuareg-electric-rp) (define-key map "}" 'tuareg-electric-rc) (define-key map "]" 'tuareg-electric-rb) (define-key map "\C-c\C-i" 'tuareg-interrupt-caml) (define-key map "\C-c\C-k" 'tuareg-kill-caml) (define-key map "\C-c`" 'tuareg-interactive-next-error-toplevel) (define-key map "\C-c?" 'tuareg-interactive-next-error-toplevel) (define-key map "\C-m" 'tuareg-interactive-send-input) (define-key map "\C-j" 'tuareg-interactive-send-input-or-indent) (define-key map "\M-\C-m" 'tuareg-interactive-send-input-end-of-phrase) (define-key map [kp-enter] 'tuareg-interactive-send-input-end-of-phrase) map)) (defconst tuareg-interactive-buffer-name "*caml-toplevel*") (defconst tuareg-interactive-toplevel-error-regexp "[ \t]*Characters \\([0-9]+\\)-\\([0-9]+\\):" "Regexp matching the char numbers in ocaml toplevel's error messages.") (defvar tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-source 0) (defvar tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-toplevel 0) (defun tuareg-interactive-filter (text) (when (eq major-mode 'tuareg-interactive-mode) (save-excursion (when (>= comint-last-input-end comint-last-input-start) (when tuareg-interactive-read-only-input (add-text-properties comint-last-input-start comint-last-input-end (list 'read-only t))) (when (and font-lock-mode tuareg-interactive-input-font-lock) (font-lock-fontify-region comint-last-input-start comint-last-input-end)) (when tuareg-interactive-output-font-lock (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (re-search-backward comint-prompt-regexp comint-last-input-end t) (add-text-properties comint-last-input-end (point) '(face tuareg-font-lock-interactive-output-face)))) (when tuareg-interactive-error-font-lock (save-excursion (goto-char comint-last-input-end) (while (re-search-forward tuareg-interactive-error-regexp () t) (let ((matchbeg (match-beginning 1)) (matchend (match-end 1))) (save-excursion (goto-char matchbeg) (put-text-property matchbeg matchend 'face 'tuareg-font-lock-interactive-error-face) (when (looking-at tuareg-interactive-toplevel-error-regexp) (let ((beg (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 1))) (end (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 2)))) (put-text-property (+ comint-last-input-start beg) (+ comint-last-input-start end) 'face 'tuareg-font-lock-error-face)))))))))))) (easy-menu-define tuareg-interactive-mode-menu tuareg-interactive-mode-map "Tuareg Interactive Mode Menu." '("Tuareg" ("Interactive Mode" ["Run Caml Toplevel" tuareg-run-caml t] ["Interrupt Caml Toplevel" tuareg-interrupt-caml :active (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name)] ["Kill Caml Toplevel" tuareg-kill-caml :active (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name)] ["Evaluate Region" tuareg-eval-region :active (region-active-p)] ["Evaluate Phrase" tuareg-eval-phrase t] ["Evaluate Buffer" tuareg-eval-buffer t]) "---" ["Customize Tuareg Mode..." (customize-group 'tuareg) t] ("Tuareg Options" ["Dummy" nil t]) ("Tuareg Interactive Options" ["Dummy" nil t]) "---" ["About" tuareg-about t] ["Help" tuareg-interactive-help t])) (define-derived-mode tuareg-interactive-mode comint-mode "Tuareg-Interactive" "Major mode for interacting with a Caml process. Runs a Caml toplevel as a subprocess of Emacs, with I/O through an Emacs buffer. A history of input phrases is maintained. Phrases can be sent from another buffer in Caml mode. Short cuts for interactions with the toplevel: \\{tuareg-interactive-mode-map}" (tuareg-install-font-lock) (when (or tuareg-interactive-input-font-lock tuareg-interactive-output-font-lock tuareg-interactive-error-font-lock) (font-lock-mode 1)) (add-hook 'comint-output-filter-functions 'tuareg-interactive-filter) (when (boundp 'after-change-functions) (remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'font-lock-after-change-function t)) (when (boundp 'pre-idle-hook) (remove-hook 'pre-idle-hook 'font-lock-pre-idle-hook t)) (setq comint-prompt-regexp "^# *") (setq comint-process-echoes nil) (setq comint-get-old-input 'tuareg-interactive-get-old-input) (setq comint-scroll-to-bottom-on-output tuareg-interactive-scroll-to-bottom-on-output) (set-syntax-table tuareg-mode-syntax-table) (setq local-abbrev-table tuareg-mode-abbrev-table) (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function) (setq indent-line-function 'tuareg-indent-command) (easy-menu-add tuareg-interactive-mode-menu) (tuareg-update-options-menu)) (defun tuareg-run-caml () "Run a Caml toplevel process. I/O via buffer `*caml-toplevel*'." (interactive) (tuareg-run-process-if-needed) (display-buffer tuareg-interactive-buffer-name)) (defun tuareg-run-process-if-needed (&optional cmd) "Run a Caml toplevel process if needed, with an optional command name. I/O via buffer `*caml-toplevel*'." (if cmd (setq tuareg-interactive-program cmd) (unless (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name) (setq tuareg-interactive-program (read-shell-command "Caml toplevel to run: " tuareg-interactive-program)))) (unless (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name) (let ((cmdlist (tuareg-args-to-list tuareg-interactive-program)) (process-connection-type nil)) (set-buffer (apply (function make-comint) "caml-toplevel" (car cmdlist) nil (cdr cmdlist))) (tuareg-interactive-mode) (sleep-for 1)))) (defun tuareg-args-to-list (string) (let ((where (string-match "[ \t]" string))) (cond ((null where) (list string)) ((/= where 0) (cons (substring string 0 where) (tuareg-args-to-list (substring string (+ 1 where) (length string))))) (t (let ((pos (string-match "[^ \t]" string))) (when pos (tuareg-args-to-list (substring string pos (length string))))))))) (defun tuareg-interactive-get-old-input () (save-excursion (let ((end (point))) (re-search-backward comint-prompt-regexp (point-min) t) (when (looking-at comint-prompt-regexp) (re-search-forward comint-prompt-regexp)) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) end)))) (defun tuareg-interactive-end-of-phrase () (save-excursion (end-of-line) (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (tuareg-find-meaningful-word) (looking-at ";;"))) (defun tuareg-interactive-send-input-end-of-phrase () (interactive) (goto-char (point-max)) (unless (tuareg-interactive-end-of-phrase) (insert ";;")) (comint-send-input)) (defconst tuareg-interactive-send-warning "Note: toplevel processing requires a terminating `;;'") (defun tuareg-interactive-send-input () "Process if the current line ends with `;;' then send the current phrase else insert a newline." (interactive) (if (tuareg-interactive-end-of-phrase) (progn (comint-send-input) (goto-char (point-max))) (insert "\n") (message tuareg-interactive-send-warning))) (defun tuareg-interactive-send-input-or-indent () "Process if the current line ends with `;;' then send the current phrase else insert a newline and indent." (interactive) (if (tuareg-interactive-end-of-phrase) (progn (goto-char (point-max)) (comint-send-input)) (insert "\n") (indent-according-to-mode) (message tuareg-interactive-send-warning))) (defun tuareg-eval-region (start end) "Eval the current region in the Caml toplevel." (interactive "r") (save-excursion (tuareg-run-process-if-needed)) (comint-preinput-scroll-to-bottom) (setq tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-source start) (save-excursion (goto-char start) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (setq start (point)) (goto-char end) (tuareg-skip-to-end-of-phrase) (setq end (point)) (let ((text (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))) (goto-char end) (if (string= text "") (message "Cannot send empty commands to Caml toplevel!") (set-buffer tuareg-interactive-buffer-name) (goto-char (point-max)) (setq tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-toplevel (point)) (comint-send-string tuareg-interactive-buffer-name (concat text ";;")) (let ((pos (point))) (comint-send-input) (when tuareg-interactive-echo-phrase (save-excursion (goto-char pos) (insert (concat text ";;"))))))) (when tuareg-display-buffer-on-eval (display-buffer tuareg-interactive-buffer-name)))) (defun tuareg-narrow-to-phrase () "Narrow the editting window to the surrounding Caml phrase (or block)." (interactive) (save-excursion (let ((pair (tuareg-discover-phrase))) (narrow-to-region (nth 0 pair) (nth 1 pair))))) (defun tuareg-eval-phrase () "Eval the surrounding Caml phrase (or block) in the Caml toplevel." (interactive) (let ((end)) (save-excursion (let ((pair (tuareg-discover-phrase))) (setq end (nth 2 pair)) (tuareg-eval-region (nth 0 pair) (nth 1 pair)))) (when tuareg-skip-after-eval-phrase (goto-char end)))) (defun tuareg-eval-buffer () "Send the buffer to the Tuareg Interactive process." (interactive) (tuareg-eval-region (point-min) (point-max))) (defun tuareg-interactive-next-error-source () (interactive) (let ((error-pos) (beg 0) (end 0)) (with-current-buffer tuareg-interactive-buffer-name (goto-char tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-toplevel) (setq error-pos (re-search-forward tuareg-interactive-toplevel-error-regexp (point-max) t)) (when error-pos (setq beg (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 1)) end (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 2))))) (if (not error-pos) (message "No syntax or typing error in last phrase.") (setq beg (+ tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-source beg) end (+ tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-source end)) (goto-char beg) (put-text-property beg end 'face 'tuareg-font-lock-error-face)))) (defun tuareg-interactive-next-error-toplevel () (interactive) (let ((error-pos) (beg 0) (end 0)) (save-excursion (goto-char tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-toplevel) (setq error-pos (re-search-forward tuareg-interactive-toplevel-error-regexp (point-max) t)) (when error-pos (setq beg (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 1)) end (string-to-number (tuareg-match-string 2))))) (if (not error-pos) (message "No syntax or typing error in last phrase.") (setq beg (+ tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-toplevel beg) end (+ tuareg-interactive-last-phrase-pos-in-toplevel end)) (put-text-property beg end 'face 'tuareg-font-lock-error-face) (goto-char beg)))) (defun tuareg-interrupt-caml () (interactive) (when (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name) (with-current-buffer tuareg-interactive-buffer-name (comint-interrupt-subjob)))) (defun tuareg-kill-caml () (interactive) (when (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name) (with-current-buffer tuareg-interactive-buffer-name (comint-kill-subjob)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Menu support (defun tuareg-about () (interactive) (describe-variable 'tuareg-mode-version)) (defun tuareg-short-cuts () "Short cuts for the Tuareg mode: \\{tuareg-mode-map} Short cuts for interaction within the toplevel: \\{tuareg-interactive-mode-map}" (interactive) (describe-function 'tuareg-short-cuts)) (defun tuareg-help () (interactive) (describe-function 'tuareg-mode)) (defun tuareg-interactive-help () (interactive) (describe-function 'tuareg-interactive-mode)) (defvar tuareg-definitions-menu (list ["Scan..." tuareg-list-definitions t]) "Initial content of the definitions menu.") (make-variable-buffer-local 'tuareg-definitions-menu) (defvar tuareg-definitions-menu-last-buffer nil) (defvar tuareg-definitions-keymaps nil) (defun tuareg-build-menu () (easy-menu-define tuareg-mode-menu (list tuareg-mode-map) "Tuareg Mode Menu." '("Tuareg" ("Interactive Mode" ["Run Caml Toplevel" tuareg-run-caml t] ["Interrupt Caml Toplevel" tuareg-interrupt-caml :active (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name)] ["Kill Caml Toplevel" tuareg-kill-caml :active (comint-check-proc tuareg-interactive-buffer-name)] ["Evaluate Region" tuareg-eval-region ;; Region-active-p for XEmacs and mark-active for Emacs :active (if (fboundp 'region-active-p) (region-active-p) mark-active)] ["Evaluate Phrase" tuareg-eval-phrase t] ["Evaluate Buffer" tuareg-eval-buffer t]) ("Caml Forms" ["try .. with .." tuareg-insert-try-form t] ["match .. with .." tuareg-insert-match-form t] ["let .. in .." tuareg-insert-let-form t] ["if .. then .. else .." tuareg-insert-if-form t] ["while .. do .. done" tuareg-insert-while-form t] ["for .. do .. done" tuareg-insert-for-form t] ["begin .. end" tuareg-insert-begin-form t]) ["Switch .ml/.mli" tuareg-find-alternate-file t] "---" ["Compile..." compile t] ["Reference Manual..." tuareg-browse-manual t] ["Caml Library..." tuareg-browse-library t] ("Definitions" ["Scan..." tuareg-list-definitions t]) "---" [ "Show type at point" caml-types-show-type tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] [ "Show fully qualified ident at point" caml-types-show-ident tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] "---" [ "Complete identifier" caml-complete tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] [ "Help for identifier" caml-help tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] [ "Add path for documentation" ocaml-add-path tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] [ "Open module for documentation" ocaml-open-module tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] [ "Close module for documentation" ocaml-close-module tuareg-with-caml-mode-p] "---" ["Customize Tuareg Mode..." (customize-group 'tuareg) t] ("Tuareg Options" ["Dummy" nil t]) ("Tuareg Interactive Options" ["Dummy" nil t]) "---" ["About" tuareg-about t] ["Short Cuts" tuareg-short-cuts] ["Help" tuareg-help t])) (easy-menu-add tuareg-mode-menu) (tuareg-update-options-menu) ;; Save and update definitions menu (if tuareg-with-xemacs (add-hook 'activate-menubar-hook 'tuareg-update-definitions-menu) (when (functionp 'easy-menu-create-menu) ;; Patch for Emacs (add-hook 'menu-bar-update-hook 'tuareg-with-emacs-update-definitions-menu) (make-local-variable 'tuareg-definitions-keymaps) (setq tuareg-definitions-keymaps (cdr (easy-menu-create-menu "Definitions" tuareg-definitions-menu))) (setq tuareg-definitions-menu-last-buffer nil)))) (defun tuareg-update-definitions-menu () (when (eq major-mode 'tuareg-mode) (easy-menu-change '("Tuareg") "Definitions" tuareg-definitions-menu))) (defun tuareg-with-emacs-update-definitions-menu () (when (current-local-map) (let ((keymap (lookup-key (current-local-map) [menu-bar Tuareg Definitions]))) (if (and (keymapp keymap) (not (eq tuareg-definitions-menu-last-buffer (current-buffer)))) (setcdr keymap tuareg-definitions-keymaps) (setq tuareg-definitions-menu-last-buffer (current-buffer)))))) (defun tuareg-toggle-option (symbol) (interactive) (set symbol (not (symbol-value symbol))) (when (eq 'tuareg-use-abbrev-mode symbol) (abbrev-mode tuareg-use-abbrev-mode)) ; toggle abbrev minor mode (unless tuareg-with-xemacs (tuareg-update-options-menu))) (defun tuareg-update-options-menu () (easy-menu-change '("Tuareg") "Tuareg Options" (mapcar (lambda (pair) (if (consp pair) (vector (car pair) (list 'tuareg-toggle-option (cdr pair)) ':style 'toggle ':selected (nth 1 (cdr pair)) ':active t) pair)) tuareg-options-list)) (easy-menu-change '("Tuareg") "Tuareg Interactive Options" (mapcar (lambda (pair) (if (consp pair) (vector (car pair) (list 'tuareg-toggle-option (cdr pair)) ':style 'toggle ':selected (nth 1 (cdr pair)) ':active t) pair)) tuareg-interactive-options-list))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Browse Manual ;; From M. Quercia (defun tuareg-browse-manual () "*Browse Caml reference manual." (interactive) (setq tuareg-manual-url (read-from-minibuffer "URL: " tuareg-manual-url)) (funcall tuareg-browser tuareg-manual-url)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Browse Library ;; From M. Quercia (defvar tuareg-library-mode-map (let ((map (make-keymap))) (suppress-keymap map) (define-key map [return] 'tuareg-library-find-file) (define-key map [mouse-2] 'tuareg-library-mouse-find-file) map)) (defun tuareg-browse-library() "Browse the Caml library." (interactive) (let ((buf-name "*caml-library*") (opoint) (dir (read-from-minibuffer "Library path: " tuareg-library-path))) (when (and (file-directory-p dir) (file-readable-p dir)) (setq tuareg-library-path dir) ;; List *.ml and *.mli files (with-output-to-temp-buffer buf-name (buffer-disable-undo standard-output) (with-current-buffer buf-name (kill-all-local-variables) (make-local-variable 'tuareg-library-path) (setq tuareg-library-path dir) ;; Help (insert "Directory \"" dir "\".\n") (insert "Select a file with middle mouse button or RETURN.\n\n") (insert "Interface files (.mli):\n\n") (insert-directory (concat dir "/*.mli") "-C" t nil) (insert "\n\nImplementation files (.ml):\n\n") (insert-directory (concat dir "/*.ml") "-C" t nil) ;; '.', '-' and '_' are now letters (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w") (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w") (modify-syntax-entry ?- "w") ;; Every file name is now mouse-sensitive (goto-char (point-min)) (while (< (point) (point-max)) (re-search-forward "\\.ml.?\\>") (setq opoint (point)) (re-search-backward "\\<" (point-min) 1) (put-text-property (point) opoint 'mouse-face 'highlight) (goto-char (+ 1 opoint))) ;; Activate tuareg-library mode (setq major-mode 'tuareg-library-mode) (setq mode-name "tuareg-library") (use-local-map tuareg-library-mode-map) (setq buffer-read-only t)))))) (defun tuareg-library-find-file () "Load the file whose name is near point." (interactive) (when (text-properties-at (point)) (save-excursion (let (beg) (re-search-backward "\\<") (setq beg (point)) (re-search-forward "\\>") (find-file-read-only (concat tuareg-library-path "/" (buffer-substring-no-properties beg (point)))))))) (defun tuareg-library-mouse-find-file (event) "Visit the file name you click on." (interactive "e") (let ((owindow (selected-window))) (mouse-set-point event) (tuareg-library-find-file) (select-window owindow))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Definitions List ;; Designed from original code by M. Quercia (defconst tuareg--id-regexp "[[:alpha:]][_'[:alnum:]]*") (defconst tuareg-definitions-bind-skip-regexp (concat (tuareg-ro "rec" "type" "virtual") "\\|'" tuareg--id-regexp "\\|('.*)") "Regexp matching stuff to ignore after a binding keyword.") (defconst tuareg-identifier-regexp (concat "\\<" tuareg--id-regexp "\\>")) (defun tuareg-list-definitions () "Parse the buffer and gather toplevel definitions for a quick jump via the definitions menu." (interactive) (message "Searching for definitions...") (save-excursion (let ((cpt 0) (kw) (menu) (value-list) (type-list) (module-list) (class-list) (misc-list)) (goto-char (point-min)) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (while (and (< (point) (point-max))) (when (looking-at tuareg-definitions-regexp) (setq kw (tuareg-match-string 0)) (save-match-data (tuareg-reset-and-kwop kw)) (when (or (string= kw "exception") (string= kw "val")) (setq kw "let")) ;; Skip optional elements (goto-char (match-end 0)) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (when (looking-at tuareg-definitions-bind-skip-regexp) (goto-char (match-end 0))) (tuareg-skip-blank-and-comments) (when (looking-at tuareg-identifier-regexp) ;; Menu item : [name (goto-char ...) t] (let* ((p (make-marker)) (ref (vector (tuareg-match-string 0) (list 'tuareg-goto p) t))) (setq cpt (1+ cpt)) (message (concat "Searching definitions... (" (number-to-string cpt) ")")) (set-marker p (point)) (cond ((string= kw "let") (setq value-list (cons ref value-list))) ((string= kw "type") (setq type-list (cons ref type-list))) ((string= kw "module") (setq module-list (cons ref module-list))) ((string= kw "class") (setq class-list (cons ref class-list))) (t (setq misc-list (cons ref misc-list))))))) ;; Skip to next phrase or next top-level `and' (tuareg-forward-char) (let ((old-point (point)) (last-and (progn (tuareg-next-phrase t t) (point)))) (when (< last-and old-point) (error "scan error")) (save-excursion (while (and (re-search-backward "\\" old-point t) (not (tuareg-in-literal-or-comment-p)) (save-excursion (tuareg-find-and-match) (>= old-point (point)))) (setq last-and (point)))) (goto-char last-and))) ;; Sort and build lists (dolist (pair (list (cons "Miscellaneous" misc-list) (cons "Values" value-list) (cons "Classes" class-list) (cons "Types" type-list) (cons "Modules" module-list))) (when (cdr pair) (setq menu (append (tuareg-split-long-list (car pair) (tuareg-sort-definitions (cdr pair))) menu)))) ;; Update definitions menu (setq tuareg-definitions-menu (append menu (list "---" ["Rescan..." tuareg-list-definitions t]))) (unless (or tuareg-with-xemacs (not (functionp 'easy-menu-create-menu))) ;; Patch for Emacs (setq tuareg-definitions-keymaps (cdr (easy-menu-create-menu "Definitions" tuareg-definitions-menu))) (setq tuareg-definitions-menu-last-buffer nil)) (message "Searching definitions... done"))) (tuareg-update-definitions-menu)) (defun tuareg-goto (pos) (goto-char pos) (recenter)) (defun tuareg-sort-definitions (list) (let* ((last "") (cpt 1) (list (sort (nreverse list) (lambda (p q) (string< (elt p 0) (elt q 0))))) (tail list)) (while tail (if (string= (elt (car tail) 0) last) (progn (setq cpt (1+ cpt)) (aset (car tail) 0 (format "%s (%d)" last cpt))) (setq cpt 1) (setq last (elt (car tail) 0))) (setq tail (cdr tail))) list)) ;; Look for the (n-1)th or last element of a list (defun tuareg-nth (n list) (if (or (<= n 1) (null list) (null (cdr list))) list (tuareg-nth (1- n) (cdr list)))) ;; Split a definition list if it is too long (defun tuareg-split-long-list (title list) (let ((tail (tuareg-nth tuareg-definitions-max-items list))) (if (or (null tail) (null (cdr tail))) ;; List not too long, cons the title (list (cons title list)) ;; List too long, split and add initials to the title (let (lists) (while list (let ((beg (substring (elt (car list) 0) 0 1)) (end (substring (elt (car tail) 0) 0 1))) (setq lists (cons (cons (format "%s %s-%s" title beg end) list) lists)) (setq list (cdr tail)) (setcdr tail nil) (setq tail (tuareg-nth tuareg-definitions-max-items list)))) (nreverse lists))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Hooks and Exit (eval-when-compile (autoload 'speedbar-add-supported-extension "speedbar")) (when (require 'speedbar nil t) (speedbar-add-supported-extension '(".ml" ".mli" ".mll" ".mly" ".ls"))) (defvar tuareg-load-hook nil "This hook is run when Tuareg is loaded in. It is a good place to put key-bindings or hack Font-Lock keywords...") (run-hooks 'tuareg-load-hook) (provide 'tuareg) ;; For compatibility with caml support modes ;; you may also link caml.el to tuareg.el (provide 'caml) ;;; tuareg.el ends here